Manual Gratification and Prostate Health: Could This Be the Link to Fighting Prostate Cancer?


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Presentation transcript:

Manual Gratification and Prostate Health: Could This Be the Link to Fighting Prostate Cancer?

Eat right! Exercise 60 minutes each day, every day! Lift weights three times per week! Start meditating! Come at least 21 times per month! What…wait a second, what was that last one? Studies are showing that men who get off more often are reducing their risk of prostate cancer. Still not sure if this is fact or fiction? Keep reading.

The Link Between Manual Gratification and Prostate Health More and more studies suggest that regular release, like that done through manual gratification, has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. So, just how much release is considered regular? A 2016 study established that men who came 21 times or more each month saw a 20 percent decrease in the likelihood of prostate cancer. Men should know this isn’t just some fly-by-night, two-month study of ten dudes. This study went on for 18 years and profiled nearly 32,000 men. A Harvard study also showed similar results but found a decreased risk of 33 percent. Why does frequent release help fight prostate health? Scientists haven’t exactly pinned that down quite yet. The best theory they have thus far is the idea that it can flush out harmful chemicals that may accumulate in semen.

However, there are a Few Other Things to Note Scientists haven’t totally proved the theory. There is a lot of evidence of a conclusive link between release and lowering the risk of prostate cancer. It’s very possible that men who live healthier lifestyles have stronger drive, stronger firmness, and potentially attract more partners than those who don’t exercise regularly, eat well, and practice stress and mental health management. Also, release doesn’t protect the most deadly or advanced types of prostate cancer. Scientists aren’t sure why. There’s also the type of release to consider. Hard to believe, but scientists believe all release is not created equal. The semen makeup differs in partner-related release and manual gratification-related release. For example, partner adjacent release has higher levels of sperm and other chemicals.

Here’s the Rub…Literally Also, other smaller studies are showing that age makes a huge difference in the specific link between manual gratification and prostate health arena. Findings are that men in their 20’s and 30’s who pleasure themselves frequently are actually at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. This bumps up against men in their 50’s who are part of the Self- Love Society who reduce their risk. On top of that, release through sensual contact was the same for both age groups and reduced prostate cancer risk. No word yet on why there’s a difference.

In Summary No one is exactly sure why frequent manual gratification and prostate health are linked. The main theory believes it may have something to do with the seminal fluid that’s expelled during release. It’s possible it rids the prostate tissue from things that cause cancer, infection, and inflammation. Bottom Line: choke the chicken, play five on one, or give yourself a hand to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. It’s a fun way to promote male organ health and relieve stress.

Keep the male organ is perfect play time shape with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). After thoroughly washing and drying the male organ, add the crème for an extra feel-good treat as well as to promote male organ health. These specials creams are made specifically for the member and include vitamins like A, B, D, and E, which deliver healthy cellular function. In addition, men should use a product containing vitamin C and L-Arginine as they both promote strong blood flow to the member resulting in strong, hard firmness. Man 1 Man Oil