VueTubes Degree Startup Solution Design Video Streaming Website Just like YouTube, Vimeo etc.
Overview ●About VueTubes ●Benefits of YouTube Clone ●Features of VueTubes ●Customize Platform ●Demo of YouTube Clone ●Contact Us
About VueTubes ●As online video business increases, people are now constantly sharing videos as story, broadcast or promotion. An entrepreneurs have begin placing youtube clone for their video streaming business desire ●VueTubes is an advance features and error-free youtube clone which helps to build creative and user-friendly video sharing platform ●VueTubes reduces lot of time, money, and a lot of other resources
Benefits of YouTube Clone Some of the important and hidden ingredient of YouTube Clone is given below. 1.Developed with latest technologies 2.Fully secured payment gateway 3.Complete Management on your finger tips 4.Earn Massive ROI 5.Error-free and advanced feature clone script 6.Easy to maintain flow as well as structure 7.Reduces manpower & duration of development
Features of VueTubes ●Common Feature ○Video + Language Management ○ Based Registration ○Integrated Video Player ○SEO Friendly URLs ●Admin Feature ○Channel + Video Management ○Commission and Comment Management ○High End Admin Panel CMS ○Admin Side Notification
Conti... ●User Feature ○User-friendly Dashboard ○Earning & Payment History ○Social Media Sharing ○Unlimited Space ○Login with FB, G+, etc.
Customize Platform ●Easily add and remove any feature from YouTube Clone ScriptYouTube Clone Script ●Rearrange or reorder various functionality for superlative flow ●Quickly customize color, layout, font-size as per requirement ●This script is fully compatible with your coding style and tools ●Without wasting precious time maintain entire platform
Demo of YouTube Clone Make your website development process flawless with the help of VueTubes VueTube Demo Link
Contact Us Stay in touch with us via Websitehttps:// Call Social Media
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