ece 477 team 2
ECE 477 Senior Design Team 2 – Fall 2011 ece 477 team 2 ECE 477 Senior Design Team 2 – Fall 2011 1 min. from left to right: James Cuffney, Brent O’Brien, Keegan McGraw, Austin Chen
controller for concert and DJ lighting 3 project overview controller for concert and DJ lighting uses the well-established digital DMX protocol preset and user-created lighting sequences improvement on existing DMX controllers user friendly aesthetically appealing targeted to the consumer market 1 min.
microcontroller issues difficult to use development environment 4 design challenges microcontroller issues difficult to use development environment couldn‘t program our micro last minute switch speed and memory requirements for DMX flywiring major revisions to our PCB wire management inside the packaging 1 min.
ATD/ADC: audio UART: LCD shift registers: LEDs timing diagrams: DMX 5 270/362 skills ATD/ADC: audio UART: LCD shift registers: LEDs timing diagrams: DMX project management reading datasheets 1 min.
6 demo 1 min.