Robert D. Edgren High School Course Selection 2017-2018 Current 9th, 10th and 11th graders
Course Selection March 21st – March 24th 9th 10th 11th Grade-Course Selection Sheets distributed Students obtain teacher recommendation and parent signatures March 27-deadline to turn in course selection sheets to English Teachers April 10-Student Portal is opened to allow entry via the student’s Aspen Account
Four-Year Entrance Requirements Cont’d 4 English (college prep) 4 Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, a fourth higher level math is strongly recommended. 3 Laboratory Sciences (Two must be selected from Biology I, Chemistry, Anatomy, or Physics ) 2-3 Foreign Language (must be the same) 3 Social Sciences (to include US History, and American Government) 1 Fine Arts 2 Academic Electives (must be taken from the following fields: Computer Science, English, *Fine Arts, Foreign Language, Humanities, Laboratory Science or Math)
How do I choose? Considerations What do you like to do? What might you like to learn more about? What might you be interested in pursuing after high school? What might prepare you for an advanced elective? Look at the Course Selection guide Talk with your counselor, teachers, and principal. We are here to help!
MATHEMATICS Course Title Grade Level Preparation Algebra I 9-12 None Geometry 9-12 Algebra I Discrete Math 10-12 Geometry Algebra II 10-12 Geometry Math Analysis 11-12 Algebra II *AP Calculus AB+ 11-12 Math Analysis Algebraic Modeling 9-12 None * Teacher Review
SCIENCE Course Title Grade Level Preparation Biology 9-12 None Chemistry 10-12 Algebra I Chemistry Apps 9-12 None Earth and Space 9-12 None Human Anatomy 10-12 Biology & Chem Physics 10-12 Algebra I& Chem *AP Biology+ 11-12 Biology & Chem *Teacher Review
Social Studies Course Title Grade Level Preparation World History 9-12 None Honors World Hist 9-12 None AP World History 10-12 None US History 11-12 None *AP U.S. History+ 11-12 None Street Law 11-12 None U.S. Government 12 None *A.P. Govt & Pol+ 12 U.S. History *Teacher Review
English Course Title Grade Level Preparation Language Arts 9 9 None Honors LA 9 9 None Language Arts 10 10 LA 9 Honors LA 10 10 LA 9 Language Arts 11 11 LA 10 *AP Language 11 LA 10 Language Arts 12 12 LA 11 *AP Literature 12 LA 11 *Teacher Review
Electives Choice of Electives Departments English Fine Arts Math Music Physical Education/Health Science Social Studies Career & Technology Education World Language
Scheduling Considerations 3 step Process 1. Completion of course selection worksheet Teacher review/signatures Parent signatures 2. Access course requesting through ASPEN 3. Requests will be verified in guidance, cross referenced with course selection sheets Students cannot pick semesters for courses Courses will be balanced based upon master schedule
Link to Resources and Questions