ELA Midterm Project – Poem Cereal Box


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Presentation transcript:

ELA Midterm Project – Poem Cereal Box Deadline: Friday, December 15, 2018 Objective: To demonstrate your mastery and understanding of RL 7.4 and RL 7.5, which requires you to understanding figurative language and formatting as it’s used in poetry. Project is worth 60% of your overall second quarter average This project needs to be completed at home. Time will not be given in class to work on this project, unless you can find a way to make the time between assignments. You will be responsible for selecting the poem you will do your project one. A song does count as a poem, but the song needs to be school-appropriate. You are not permitted to use a poem that was read in class as the subject of your project i.e. ‘Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout’, ‘Oranges’, ‘Annabel Lee’, ‘The Bells’, and ‘The Raven’.

Front of Box Include the name of the cereal and a picture. Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the poem and sounds like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the poem. Choose a symbol for the cereal that relates to the poem. For example, for ‘The Bells’, you might invent a cereal called “Marshmallow Bell-Os”, a cheerios- like cereal with marshmallow bells in it.

Left Side of Box Identify 5 examples of figurative devices that were used in the poem and correctly label what type of device it was. Examples from ‘The Bells’: Clanging (Onomatopoeia) How the danger sinks and swells (Alliteration) Bells (Repetition) To the moaning and the groaning of the bells (Assonance) To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells (Assonance)

Top of Box Include the title of the poem Author of the poem Your name as cereal box designer Number of lines and stanzas of the poem

Right Side of Box This side must include two items The meter of the ENTIRE poem The rhyme scheme of the ENTIRE poem

Back of Box Design a game that is based on the word choice of the poem. It can be a puzzle, word search, word scramble, crossword puzzle, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Below the game, you need to include a 5-sentence minimum paragraph explaining you interpretation of the data you have posted on the box about your poem

Cereal Box Rubric Item Points Possible Points Earned Product submitted by deadline (12/15/17) 10 Hard copy of poem provided with cereal box (poem can be inside of the box) Top of Box has been labeled with Name of Poem, Author, # of Lines, and # of Stanzas 5 Front of Box – Creative and Shows Effort and includes symbol Left Side of Box – 5 Figurative Devices Labeled Correctly 25 Right Side of Box – Entire Meter and Rhyme Scheme of chosen poem Back of Box – Word Choice Game Included 20 Analysis on Back of Box and is 5 or more sentences long