RAFT Presentation- Victims of Police Brutality Eng 10B
Directions With a partner, or on your own, research a situation in which a person was seriously injured or killed during interaction with law enforcement. Read about it, watch it, absorb it.
DIRECTIONS After you have absorbed the info, you must write down a SYNOPSIS of the SITUATION. THINK: who, what, where, when. Explain what happened before, during and after. What happened to the victim? Police officer? SHOW THIS TO ME. Find 1-3 articles related to your case and examine the various perspectives offered on the case. Watch videos if there are any. Read news statements. Try and find different NARRATIVES to the STORY.
TELL HIS/HER STORY Tell the story of your victim to the class. However, you must do it in a CREATIVE and/or VISUALLY APPEALING way! What does this mean??
R.A.F.T Role: Police officer Victim Weapon Victim’s mom/sig. other/child/brother etc Protester You decide! Witness GET INTO CHARACTER!!!! News reporter Teachers
R.A.F.T Audience Viewers at home Jury/Judge Cop’s family Police/victim Victim’s family Class Public Protesters
R.A.F.T Newscast Court testimony Rap Apology Skit Monologue/Dialogue Format: Newscast Court testimony Rap Apology Skit Monologue/Dialogue Youtube video Letter PowerPoint prez Speech (protest) Interpretive dance Obituary Poem Diary entry Cartoon/Drawing
Whatever incident you have decided on: R.A.F.T Topic Whatever incident you have decided on: Bernard Bailey (SC) • Seth Beckman (MD) • Sandra Bland (TX) • Sam Dubose (OH) • Freddie Gray (MD) • David Kassick (PA) • Raymond Martinez (LA) • Sureshbhai Patel (AL) • McKinney Pool Party (TX) • Spring Valley High School (S
KNOW BEFORE YOU START: Submit articles/pics/ projects to me : smithkaren537@gmail.com Situation/article synopsis must be to me BY TUESDAY (work over weekend if need be!) Draft of your presentation is DUE BY NEXT THURSDAY AT LATEST (emailed or submitted by hand) 70 pts!!
Make sure the story is clear to us through your presentation Make sure the story is clear to us through your presentation. If not, you will start your RAFT by providing your quick synopsis and/or article or video. A picture of victim should also be at the ready.
Individual RAFTS Jaime Medina Angel Dominguez Noah Rivera Cyrena Coleman Steven (?)
PARTNER RAFTS Alondra and Ana Kevin and Anllua
RAFT Example: IT HAPPENED! DELRAWN SMALL Synopsis: Jurors cleared Officer Wayne Isaacs of any criminal responsibility in the July 4, 2016 death of Delrawn Small, 37, who was shot three times after approaching Isaacs' driver's side window in East New York. ROLE: Delrawn (from the grave) AUDIENCE: Public FORMAT: Monologue TOPIC: Delrawn Small
But, she’s heard of me. And now you will too.
My baby boy will never know his daddy
My girl’s testimony “Delrawn wasn’t screaming or running. He just walked over saying ‘What the f--k is wrong with you? You cut us off,’ while clapping his hands and he got shot,” “(Isaacs) walked over to the body, he looked at him, walked away back to his car… He didn’t try to give the bleeding man CPR or help with the wounds”. “His attitude? Like he didn't give a f--k,"
Videos of my story: DELRAWN SMALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhdJlnq BaMY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZhPLRvS tCw