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Presentation transcript:


What is a political party? A political party is a group of persons who seek to control government by winning elections and holding office. The two major parties in American politics are the Republican and Democratic parties. Parties can be: principle-oriented, issue-oriented, or election-oriented. The American parties are election-oriented.

What do Parties Do (5)? Nominate Candidates—Recruit, choose, and present candidates for public office. Inform and Activate Supporters—Campaign, define issues, and criticize other candidates. Act as a Bonding Agent—Guarantee that their candidate is worthy of the office. Govern—Members of government act according to their partisanship, or firm allegiance to one party. Act as a Watchdog—Parties that are out of power keep a close eye on the actions of the party in power for a blunder to use against them in the next election.

America’s Two Party System…why? The Historical Basis. The nation started out with two parties: the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Force of Tradition. America has a two-party system because it always has had one. Minor parties, lacking wide political support (membership), have never made a successful showing, so people are reluctant to support them. (time/future)

America’s Two Party System…why? Cont. The Electoral System. Certain features of government, such as single-member districts, are designed to favor two major parties. (1 candidate with plurality of votes wins elections / winner takes all.) Bipartisanship two major parties working together. Ideological Consensus. Most Americans have a general agreement on fundamental matters. Conditions that would spark several strong rival parties do not exist in the United States.

Congressional District / Single Member District

Example of Plurality & Winner Takes All Popular vote in a single member district: CA. 53 Dem = 43% = 23 Rep = 41% = 22 Grn = 10% = 5 Lib = 3% = 1.5 Other = 3% = 1.5 Who Wins the election with a plurality? Winner Takes all, Win all of the electorate!

Multiparty Systems A Multiparty system has several major and minor parties compete for and win public offices.

Multiparty Systems Advantages Provides broader representation of the people. More responsive to the will of the people. Give voters more choices at the polls. Disadvantages Cause parties to form coalitions, which can dissolve easily. Failure of coalitions can cause instability in government. In most dictatorships, only one political party is allowed, resulting in a

One-Party Systems In most dictatorships, only one political party is allowed, resulting in a one-party system. Its really a “no party” system. (Stalinist Russia, Hitler’s Nazi Germany); there is no choice!

Factors that can influence party membership: Family (mom/dad/grand parents) economic status (wealthy/poor/middle class/immigrant) occupation (business owners/ factory workers) major events (Civil War, Depression, WWII) religion age (young, Middle aged/ old)

Types of Minor Parties Ideological Parties: set on beliefs (Libertarian) Single-issue Parties: focus on one public policy (Green) Economic Protest: rooted in economic discontent (Tea Party) Splinter parties: split away from the major parties (Bull Moose)

Minor parties play 3 important roles: 1. “Spoiler Role” Minor party candidates can pull decisive votes away from one of the major parties’ candidates, especially if the minor party candidate is from a splinter party.

2. Critic Minor parties, take stands/draw attention to controversial issues that the major parties would prefer to ignore. (may lose voters)

3. Innovator Minor parties draw attention to important issues and propose innovative solutions to problems. If they gain popular support, they are often integrated into the platforms of the two major (may gain voters)

Party Machinery National National convention – meets in summer of presidential election year to pick parties candidate National committee – party’s affair are handled by committee, and by the national chairperson. National Chairperson – leader of the national committee, chosen by committee for 4 year term Congressional Campaign Committee – in each house of congress, each party works to reelect incumbents, and seats retired remain in party.

Party Machinery State State Central committee State Chairperson – fronts for governor, a U.S. Senator, or other leader.

Party Machinery Local Congressional Districts (as many in state as in members in the House of Reps) Wards – a unit in which districts/cites are divided for election of city council Precinct – smallest units of election in a Ward

Congressional District / Single Member District

Wards vs. Precincts Wards in District Precincts in a Ward