Changes in Graduation Requirements Status Academic Credit at PTC Comparison Data with Warren Technology Center Develop Academic Credit Model Develop Collaboration among Stakeholders APS Online Partnership Agenda
Changes in Academic Graduation Requirements
APS Minimum High School Graduation Requirements for (Change in 2015) Academic CreditThru 2014 Starting 2015 English4.0 units of credit Mathematics3.0 units of credit4.0 units of credit Science2.5 units of credit3.0 units of credit Social Sciences3.0 units of credit Included in the 3.0 Social Sciences credits are 1.0 unit of U.S. history and 0.5 unit of Civil Government World Language0.0 units of credit1.0 Units of credit Elective Credits 9.5 units of credit 7.0 units of credit Minimum credits to graduate 22.0 units of credit required for graduation Some college admissions require additional academic credits. Shift in Available Credits Increase APS Requirements Opportunity Credits 26% decrease in available elective credit starting 2015
Academic Credit? Status at PTC
Current Programs Offering Academic Credit 18 Current Programs Offering Academic Credit Term Elective Language Arts Math Science Total Credits Automotive Technology Yr 1 Year Business and Computer Technology Year Cabinetmaking & Millwork Year Collision Repair Technology Yr 1 Year Collision Repair Technology Yr 2 Year 3.0 Computer Aided Drafting Yr 1 Year Electrician Occupations Yr 1 Year Electrician Occupations Yr 2 Year Energy Technician Year 3.0 General Electronics Technology Analog Sem General Electronics Technology Digital Sem Landscape Management Yr 1 Year Landscape Management Yr 2 Year Power Sports Technology Year Precision & Computer Aided Machining Yr 1 Year Precision & Computer Aided Machining Yr 2 Year Teacher Cadet Year 1 Year Veterinary Assistant Year
Current Programs Not Offering Academic Credit 40 Current Programs Not Offering Academic Credit
Current Programs Not Offering Academic Credit 40 Current Programs Not Offering Academic Credit
Comparison to our Western Partners
Proposed Process to close the Academic Credit Gap
Part I. Develop a Process for Assigning Academic Credit in CTE Academic Review Flow Chart
Part II. Process for Assigning Academic Credit in CTE 1. Form a work team with teachers from both the academic subject areas and from state approved CTE instructional program areas. Academic Review Flow Chart
Part II. Process for Assigning Academic Credit in CTE 2. review CTE courses using high school content expectations, CTE standards, curriculum documents and instructional units to determine which courses include substantial academic content. Academic Review Flow Chart
Part II. Process for Assigning Academic Credit in CTE 3. Determine which CTE programs can offer academic credit and how much credit can be offered. Academic Review Flow Chart
Part II. Process for Assigning Academic Credit in CTE 4. Plan ways to fill identified gaps in content expectations, such as using online courses, tutorials or a project. Academic Review Flow Chart
Part II. Process for Assigning Academic Credit in CTE 5. Academic and CTE teachers work together to develop the curriculum for each course that will be credit- bearing and specify assessments used to measure student progress toward proficiency. Assessments are based on either state developed, district, or purchased, as long as the assessment measures identified content. Academic Review Flow Chart
Part II. Process for Assigning Academic Credit in CTE 6. Packets are submitted to External Review committee upon approval by internal Review committee and CTE Administration. 7. If necessary follow-up recommendations are made before District approval. Academic Review Flow Chart
Part III. Develop a Collaborative Teaching Model PTC Program Science Mathematics APS ONLINE Literacy
Part III. Develop a Collaborative Teaching Model Develop a collaborative teaching model for CTE programs that incorporates certified CTE teachers and highly qualified academic teachers. The collaborative teaching model is ongoing, active, and substantive participation of teaching professionals, working in proximity of the different content areas for the delivery of integrated, aligned instruction. PTC Program Science Mathematics APS ONLINE Literacy
Part III: Collaborative Teaching Model The collaborative teaching of CTE courses is based on: Involvement of at least one highly qualified teacher of the core academic subject and at least one certified CTE teacher. The course is based on the completion of a curriculum document showing the crosswalk between standards and specifying the assessment or assessments used to measure student proficiency. Scheduled meetings throughout the school year (PLC) of all teachers involved in collaborative teaching to discuss student progress. PTC Program Science Mathematics APS ONLINE Literacy
Part III: Collaborative Teaching Model The collaborative teaching of CTE courses is based on:(cont.) Completion of professional development activities involving both core academic subject and CTE subject areas. Completion of an annual review by collaborating teachers of student achievements and the development of suggestions for continuous improvement. A recommended part of the collaborative teaching process includes the completion of a year plan (scope and sequence) for instructional delivery involving both the core academic teacher(s) and the CTE teacher(s). PTC Program Science Mathematics APS ONLINE Literacy
Summary Changes in Graduation Requirements Status Academic Credit at PTC Comparison Data with Warren Technology Center Develop Academic Credit Model Develop Collaboration among Stakeholders APS Online Partnership