Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Steering Committee Meeting Agenda March 6, 2018 Wifi logon: Cwarren Wifi Password: 99776
Introductions Updates Announcements
December Minutes Approval
2018 / 2019 Budget Approval Update Invoice Distribution
Ongoing Projects Rafi Mazor Regional Bioassessment Water Quality Index
Ongoing Projects Eric Stein SMC Data Portal -
Ongoing Projects - Ken Schiff Standardized Monitoring
Ongoing Projects Daniel Apt SMC CLEAN project
New Projects (Discussion on Participation and Funding) Master Agreement Renewal Update to the Research Agenda Others
Master Agreement Renewal Original Agreement Expired: 2/8/2016 2nd Agreement Expired: 6/4/2013 Current Agreement: 1/31/2015 to 6/30/2019 Signatures Range: 11/25/2014 to 1/15/2016 Current Agreement Entered: 1/15/2016
Master Agreement Renewal Approval Time Line / Process: Initial Scoping of the Renewal Process 12/2017 Detailed SMC SC Issues Discussion 3/2018 SMC Agency Strategic Consensus 3/2018 Revisions of Agreement Approval 6/2018 Legal Review – 9/2018 Council Approvals – 12/2019 Begin New Agreement - 6/30/2019
Master Agreement Renewal Strategic Vision Organization Scope Member Agencies / Governance Budget Legal Review & Approval Process
Strategic Vision Designed to be a vehicle for collaborative synergy to fill foundational gaps in knowledge about how to improve stormwater management by creating monitoring infrastructure, deciphering stormwater mechanisms and processes, and assessing receiving water impacts.
Organization Scope 2002 Research Agenda The first project completed by the SMC was an assessment of which research projects should be undertaken. 50 project ideas were generated leading to 15 research projects in three categories: Developing a regional stormwater monitoring infrastructure Improving the fundamental understanding of stormwater mechanisms and process Identifying stormwater impacts in receiving waters
2013 Research Agenda Estimated Total Cost $7.25 M Ecosystem Characterization and Assessment Optimizing Management Effectiveness Standardizing Monitoring Approaches for Wet and Dry Weather Monitoring Optimizing Best Management Practices for SC Flood Control Detention Retrofit to Improve WQ Performance Improving Storm Water Agency Reporting and Communication Evaluating the Potential Benefits and Negative Impacts of Onsite Stormwater Retention Characterization of Stormwater Effects Contaminants of Emerging Concern Improving Trash Controls and Tools to Assess Progress Characterization of Stormwater Impacts on Marine Protected Areas Framework for a Stormwater Control Offset/Trading Program Use Attainability Analysis Case Study for an Engineered Channel Method Development and Tool Evaluation Adapt Biological Assessment Tools for Non- Perennial Streams Optimizing Retrofit of Existing Urban Areas with GI Develop New Tools for Causal Assessment Foundational Scientific Understanding Standardize Hydrologic Methods Improved Quantification of Links Between Nutrient Concentrations and Indicators of Beneficial Uses Hydromodification Guidance for Urban Streams Evaluating Potential of Remote Sensing Technology Stormwater Effects on Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Effect of Climate Change on Stormwater Quality Interaction of Stormwater Runoff and Cyanotoxin Estimated Total Cost $7.25 M
Organization Scope How have we done on the current research agenda? What are the developing challenges? What are the known big ticket items to address in the next agreement? Research Regional Resources
Member Agencies
Organization Scope Steering Committee Chair / Vice Chair Administrative Officer Budget Manager
Budget Current Agreement Funding Mechanisms Still appropriate? Annual Operating Budget ($300k max) Research Implementation Agreements Still appropriate? Need for more flexibility? Expanded scope needs for research or regional resources?
Legal Review & Approval Process Changes to the current contract? How to proceed with approval? New agreement Amendment to current Member agency requirement and time frames
Update to the Research Agenda
Committee Member Items
Next Meeting June 3rd, 2018 -10 AM - 2 PM TBD