FC 335 Safe and Supportive Schools Competitive Grant Webinar September 4, 2018 September 11, 2018
Application Procedures 01 Overview of Grant 02 Option One CONTENTS 03 Option Two 04 Application Procedures 05 Questions and Answers
Overview of Grant 01
FY19 RFP: http://www.doe.mass.edu/grants/2019/335/ Overview of FC335 Grant FY19 RFP: http://www.doe.mass.edu/grants/2019/335/ Provides funding to districts (and their selected schools) to organize, integrate, and sustain school and district-wide efforts to create safe and supportive school environments and coordinate and align student support initiatives based on their findings from completing the Behavioral Health and Public School (BHPS) Framework and Self-Assessment Tool. we plan to have an updated version of the Tool to be piloted by grantees awarded option one grants (to use the tool to inform action plans). We plan to have it be available by the time that grants are awarded (roughly late Oct. to early-mid Nov), and we are working on it in collaboration with the Safe and Supportive Schools Commission.
The main priorities for this grant are to ensure that each school: creates a safe, positive, healthy, culturally-competent, and inclusive whole-school learning environment; and makes effective use of a system for integrating services and aligning initiatives that promote students' behavioral health There are two options for addressing these priorities: Option One: Action Planning Option Two: School Based Implementation and Mentorship
Option One – Action Planning 02
Option One - Priorities Convene a school team composed of various stakeholders (e.g., including but not limited to teachers, nurses, counselors, parents, etc.) to review and respond to the questions in the BHPS Tool. Identify school and district areas to prioritize for improvements related to creating safer and more supportive learning environments, Finalize a school and district action plan that is aligned to school and district priorities addressing all six sections of the Framework: Leadership; Professional Development; Access to Resources and Services Academic and Non-Academic Activities; School Policies, Procedures, and Protocols; and Collaboration with Families. *Historical notes: The "Action Planning" grant opportunity (Option one in this RFP) was referred to as "Category A" last year [in fiscal year 2017-2018 (FY18) Fund Code (FC) 335]. Those "Category A" FY18 grant recipients are eligible in FY19 (this year) for continuation grants through FC 337 (see that Funding Opportunity RFP for more details). This year's Action Planning grantees are expected to be eligible in FY20 for continuation grants as well (see Funding section below for more details), pending state appropriation. Note: Upon award, the Department will provide all Action Planning grantees with guidelines for convening teams to create action plans that are aligned with other district and school plans and initiatives, including but not limited to district and school improvement plans (if applicable).
Option One - Fund Use These funds must be used to develop action plans that incorporate all six elements of the Framework. Grant funds may be used for: teacher stipends; consultants; substitutes; and materials to be used in the development of district action plans and school action plans for those schools proposed under this option. Applicants should not include in their application requests for funds to support activities related to action plan implementation. Note: The Department may consider requests during the spring from Option one: Action Planning grantees to amend budgets to support action plan implementation, provided a comprehensive action plan has been completed and submitted. Consider partnering with educational collaboratives or other consultants to help facilitate the action planning process. Funds cannot be used for: electronics (such as iPads, computers, tablets, etc.) or construction.
Option Two – School Based Implementation and Mentorship 03
Option Two - Priorities Begin or continue to implement school-based action plans (and associated district-support plans) that were created in the prior year(s) (i.e., in or before school year 2017-2018); and Serve as mentors for new tool users. The areas of mentorship may include one or more of the following, or another area agreed to by the applicant and Department: School level personnel role; District level personnel role; Forming effective school based teams that encompass the whole school/district community; Facilitating school-based or district teams to utilize the Tool; "Buy-in" from District leadership; Gathering data to inform completion of each section of the Tool; Creating a realistic and feasible timeline for utilizing the Tool; Analyzing results from the Tool to create priority areas for next steps; and Writing an effective and measurable action plan Last year's FC 335 "Category B" grant opportunity (to implement previously created action plans) has been modified in scope this year to include an additional required mentoring component, and is referred to now as "Option two" in this RFP.
Option Two - Fund Use These funds must be used to implement action plans that incorporate all six elements of the Framework, as submitted with the application. These funds must also support efforts associated with mentorship activities. Grant funds may be used for school and district based implementation coordinator(s), consultants, substitutes, evidence-based programs/initiatives, and materials to be used in the implementation of district action plans and school action plans for proposed schools. Funds may also be used to provide stipends for the members of the team that will be responsible for the mentorship activities, or for any appropriate costs associated with mentoring. Consider partnering with educational collaboratives or other consultants to help facilitate the implementation process. Funds cannot be used for: electronics (such as iPads, computers, tablets, etc.) or construction. Funds for mentor activates vs implementation Mentor meeting responsibilities – planning regional meetings
Application Procedures 04
Applicants may only apply for one Option. Funding Applicants may apply for up to $20,000 total, with a maximum of $10,000 per school under Option one: Action Planning. Applicants may apply for up to $10,000 per district under Option two: School Based Implementation and Mentorship. Applicants may only apply for one Option. It is anticipated* that approximately 75% of the funds will be awarded through Option one: Action Planning, and approximately 25% through Option two: School Based Implementation and Mentorship.
Email all required forms to achievement@doe.mass.edu Due Date and Forms Due date: Thursday, September 20, 2018 by 5:00 p.m. Required Forms: Part I — General — Program Unit Signature Page — (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants) Part II — FY19 New Budget Template Part III — Required Program Information Grant Assurances Email all required forms to achievement@doe.mass.edu Part II — FY19 New Budget Template Complete and submit Part II for both FY19 School Year and FY20 Summer (Summer 2019), if applicable, using the respective tabs in the Budget Template provided. Please include a complete description of fund use in the narrative column. Part III — Required Program Information Option 1 — Required Program Information Option 2 — Required Program Information Complete and submit for Option one or two, as applicable.
Questions and Answers 05
THANK YOU Emily Taylor, Early Learning and Safe and Supportive Schools Specialist 781-338-3010 etaylor@doe.mass.edu www.doe.mass.edu 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148