Embedded Software (ESW) Engineering Practices Introduction IBM Rational Solution for Systems and Software Engineering Embedded Software (ESW) Engineering Practices Introduction
Process Management and Enactment The engine of lifecycle management Improve quality and predictability by leveraging proven practices and patterns of success Quickly and easily compose right-sized project/team processes and deploy process, methods and tools to project Surface process guidance in-context directly within practitioner tools to speed on-boarding, process adoption and return on investment in Rational tools Simplify compliance with pre-defined methods and mappings to industry standards and regulations Increase productivity and turn “know-how” into competitive advantage 2
Practices - modular solution components Guidance for software & systems development, management, governance, and more A practice is an approach to solving one or several commonly occurring problems Practices are intended as "chunks" of process for adoption, enablement, and configuration Address one aspect of the development process that can span disciplines/domains/lifecycle. Practices apply the concepts of “components” or “services” to process management Include associated tool guidance and tool configuration assets Include recommended metrics to assess practice adoption (process metrics) and project status (product/project metrics) Generally re-usable across a variety of lifecycle models Practices enable a compositional approach to building methods with the following benefits: Adaptability and scalability Mapped to operational objectives Incremental adoption Easy to configure and use Enable community development Practice - Table of Contents Motivation – why do it, benefits How to adopt this practice Enablement, and reference material Key Concepts Work Products – what you produce Tasks – what you do Guidance – how you do it Tools guidance for executing the tasks Recommended Metrics/Measurements Related practices Results: Avoids self-inflicting too much process Faster and more predictable results Measured Improvement
Accessing Practice Content in the Image Navigate to the index.htm file in the ESW folder on the Jazz Server as shown below. Double-click the index.htm file to open it in a web browser.
ESW Practice Content – Areas to Explore Welcome Page: overview of the content Getting Started: helpful information to initiate a project Delivery Processes: the orchestration of the tasks within the practices to deliver systems and software engineering Practices: the core best practices and capability patterns composed of tasks Roles Sets: the roles performing the tasks Tasks: atomic steps of work that make up the practices Work Products: input and output documents and artifacts of the tasks Tools: tool mentors to demonstrate tool usage
Review the Welcome Page
Review the Getting Started Pages Review these pages using the browser on the left or the links on the right
Explore the Delivery Process Explore the activities through the browser on the left or by double clicking the activities on the right
SSE Solution – RTC Process Description All projects created using the ESW Process Template include a link to the ESW published website
Explore Practices Explore the practices through the browser on the left or the links on the right
Explore Practices Examining the practice, you can click on work products, roles, tasks, and additional guidance
SSE Solution – RTC Work Item Templates Several Work Item Templates have been created in RTC based on the practices and tasks in RMC
SSE Solution – RTC Work Item Templates All Work Items created from one of these Work Item Templates include a link to the Practice/Task description
Roles sets show task and work product responsibilities for each role Explore Roles Sets Roles sets show task and work product responsibilities for each role
Explore Tasks Each task description includes role responsibilities, input work products, output work products, step by step guidance, and additional information such as tool mentors to illustrate how to accomplish the task with a specific tool
Explore Work Products Each work product description includes role responsibilities, task association, and additional information such as templates and checklists
Explore Tools Tools include tool mentors that provide step by step instructions for using tools to accomplish tasks or task steps
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