A Brave Priest
northern France. He decided Jacques Marquette was born in in 1637 in northern France. He decided to become a priest when he was 17 years old. He studied hard but finished his training in 1666. He belonged to the Catholic Church.
They call their priests, “Father” in the Catholic Church They call their priests, “Father” in the Catholic Church. People refer to Jacques as Father Marquette. After he finished his training, he really wanted to travel to New France. I wanted to share our religion with the people in New France. His journey was very exciting but also very dangerous. He eventually reached the Upper Peninsula where he learned how to talk to the Odawa, Huron and other tribes.
They are the two Oldest towns in Michigan. Marquette started two towns in Michigan. He built a little church in each one. In 1668, he started Sault Ste. Marie (Soo Saint Marie) This town is across the river from Canada. In 1671, he started St. Ignace. They are the two Oldest towns in Michigan. Father Marquette played a part in our history!!
A Fur trader came to Father Marquette and asked him to go with him to explore a great big river; the Mississippi River. No Europeans had explored this river yet, they would be the first ones. In 1673, they left New France and set sail in their canoe for the Mississippi River. They paddled along the shore of Lake Michigan until they reached Wisconsin and rested with a Menominee tribe. They paddled up the Fox River, where they met other tribes. They asked the tribes to help them find the Mississippi. Guides helped them and they were very thankful for their help. Father Marquette was really good at taking notes, so he kept a good journal. About a month after they left, they finally entered the waters of the Mississippi River. They kept exploring for days. The river kept taking them south. They realized that the river did not go west to the Pacific Ocean. They decided to turn around after traveling 600 miles!
Father Marquette had become sick along the journey Father Marquette had become sick along the journey. They decided to leave him at an Indian Village and the others headed back. Marquette did not get better though. Two French friends returned to take Marquette home, but despite their efforts to paddle fast, Father Marquette died along the shore of Lake Michigan in 1675. His friends buries him near a river, that we now called Pere Marquette.