Primary Colors Red Yellow Blue
Secondary Colors Orange Green Violet/Purple
Intermediate Colors Blue-Violet Red-Violet Blue-Green Red-Orange Yellow-Orange Yellow-Green Blue-Green Blue-Violet Red-Violet
Complimentary Colors colors that are opposite of each other Blue Red Yellow Orange Green Violet
Value The lightness or darkness of a color
Intensity How vibrant or bright the color is
Tint Adding white to a color Shade Adding black to a color
Red’s – Orange’s – Yellow’s Warm Colors Red’s – Orange’s – Yellow’s
Green’s – Blue’s – Violet’s Cool Colors Green’s – Blue’s – Violet’s
Monochromatic One color from the lightest to the darkest (like a gradient or value scale)
Analogous Colors 3 or 4 colors that are next to each other Red Red-Orange Orange Blue Blue-Green Green Yellow-Green
Pop Art 1950’s-1960’s Pop artists celebrated commonplace objects and people of everyday life, in this way seeking to elevate popular culture to the level of fine art. Wayne Thiebaud Claes Oldenburg Andy Warhol Roy Lichtenstein
Wayne Thiebaud
Claes Oldenburg
Andy Warhol
Roy Lichtenstein