Special Education Open House August 23, 2018 Wareham Middle School
Special Education Staff Team Chairs Grade 5 - Elaine Sinclair Grade 6 & 7 - Ronnie Bevis Guidance Counselors Grades 5 & 6 - Kristin Gorman Grade 7 & Small Group Classes - Melissa Hokanson Social Worker Grades 3 - 7 Therapeutic Learning Center - Eileen Frazier School Psychologist Anastasia Lapointe Nancy Rioux Special Ed Department Chair Katherine Frain Special Education Staff
Our Special Education Philosophy The Wareham Middle School’s goal is to meet the needs of all our students by providing them with the supports they need to be successful while still having students in their Least Restrictive Environment. We believe in educating all students by meeting their educational and social emotional needs. Our Special Education Philosophy
Continuum of Services Learning Center Therapeutic Learning Center Autism Spectrum Disorder Classroom Small group Classes Special Education Teachers in Inclusion Math and ELA Classes Viking Block Support Continuum of Services
This is a substantially separate class in which students focus on learning at their academic level. Students in this class may have significant learning needs. Their academics focus on daily living skills and learning standards through entry points that are below their grade level. Teachers Jenna Cannon JennaCannon@wareham.k12.ma.us Jennifer Heard JHeard@wareham.k12.ma.us Learning Center
Therapeutic Learning Center The Therapeutic Learning Center is a substantially separate program. It is a highly structured, emotionally supportive learning environment for students who have had difficulty finding success in traditional academic settings because of behavioral and emotional difficulties. A social worker supports the programs counseling needs. Teachers Kathleen Braley kbraley@wareham.k12.ma.us Jessica Scott jscott@wareham.k12.ma.us Therapeutic Learning Center
This specialized program offers students who are on the Autism Spectrum. This may encompass a broad range of needs including modifications to curriculum to behavioral supports. Teacher Christina Montefusco ASD Program
These ELA and Math classes are for students who need the support of a small group in order to make progress. These classes provide opportunities for review and non standard accommodations that can be offered in a small group while still implementing grade level material. Small Group Classes
Inclusion ELA and Inclusion Math Inclusion classes have regular education and special education students and the support of both a regular and special education teacher. Students in these classes have their accommodations implemented in a typical classroom setting. Inclusion ELA and Inclusion Math
Viking Block is an intervention period where students receive additional help in their core academic subjects with their special education teacher in a smaller setting. Viking Block
Small Group and Inclusion Teachers Grade 5 Catherine Joyce cjoyce@wareham.k12.ma.us Allison Bromberg Grade 6 Helen Summers hsummers@wareham.k12.ma.us Michelle Lyons mlyons@wareham.k12.ma.us Grade 7 Mary Shaw mshaw@wareham.k12.ma.us David Boardman dboardman@wareham.k12.ma.us Small Group and Inclusion Teachers
Questions About the Process Please reach out to the teachers with any questions or concerns about the IEP or accommodations your student receive. If you are new to the special education process and would like to learn more please reach out to the department chair. Questions About the Process
Updated Information WMS Website: www.warehamps.org Facebook: Wareham Middle Twitter: @cote_tracie Instagram: wareham_middle Updated Information