Key Issues Beekeeper is a new innovative disruptive player in the operational communication platform- connecting staff, managers and more Beekeeper values lead this company- collaboration, simplicity, open mindless, proactiveness and tolerance to failure Beekeeper is growing and reaching new segments while trying to stabilize itself, and its core business- Scale up challenge ahea
Problem Definition What Should Beekeeper do in order to increase profit and grow while not impacting quality of service and company’s DNA
Main Challenges Should BK focus on one single vertical or many- how to scale up What should BK do regarding its organizational structure How can BK attract new types of costumers and stakeholders
Company Analysis
Increase but not enough Company Analysis Increase but not enough
Competitor’s Analysis Successful in recruiting funds but not enough
Alternatives Market development Diversification Market penetration Product development New Market Existing Existing New Product
Alternatives Product development New social online platform for employees from same segment, different organization
Market penetration Hotels segment Large customer base Multiple operations BK is Familiar with technology and needs BK is Familiar with hotels’ organizational structures
New Customer- B2G cooperation Market Development New Customer- B2G cooperation Large customer base Need due to high beaurarcy Stability of segment Many deskless employees Governmental customer will reduce risk in case of abandon of existing customers, or changes in hotel markets More profits
Alternative Analysis Product development- new feature- social network Market penetration- emphasis on hotels Market development- B2G Feasibility - VV Low Risk V Suitability- aligned to values Profitability -- Time to market
Recommendation Market penetration- emphasis on hotels Market development- B2G
Implementation Plan 2019-2022 Short Term 2022-2025 Medium Term 2025+ Long Term
Implementation Strategy Marketing New Features Facility- Relocation of staff to BeachHead headquarters from Switzerland to San- Francisco- Hotels segment Other Industries- Manufacturing and retail 2019-2022 Short Term
Short Term Hitch- 2020 Translate IT- 2020 New Features Utilize app and corporate with local startup to create a car pooling platform for employees Translate IT- 2020 Automated translation by speech for employees, Cooperation with startup New Features Get To Know Me- 2022 Create personal staff profile- hobbies, preferences at work place… New features to increase quality and service, while improving human interactions with secured info
Short Term Designated ads on app for staff Marketing Increase Profits Hotels’ professional conferences Use accelerator hub connections Reaching out to new hotels- emphasis on our specialty on hotels Increase Customers Reach not to early adopters based on experience with international hotels chains
Short Term Other Industries- Retail Manufacturing Emphasis on custom-made customer service, as an incentive. Other Industries- Retail Manufacturing Headquarters stay in Switzerland- European based businesses Preserving existing customers, no new customers
Medium Term 2022-2025 Medium Term B2G- Emphasis on municipalities in Switzerland as a pilot 2022-2025 Medium Term Starting with street cleaners, moving to maintaince staff – Deskless employees Special Offering- 30 percent off on services delivered- If not successful they return investment Ronald Cohen as a model for impact investment
Long Term Implementation B2G- Add police employees Expand from Switzerland to Germany Facility- Expansion of San-Fransisco headquarters due to hotels segment growth 2025+ Long Term Look for new customers in retail and manufacturing
Implantation plan Timeline short term long term 2n+3rd Q 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Market penetration B2B HOTELS mainstream beachhead HQ - locate temporary new office location in NA establish new HQ in NA partner with Universities Engeneers interns programs new bigger HQ mainstream beachhead staff re-allocation allocate potential new customers market strategy dev. target marketing locate potential adv. Sponsers 1st half launch advertising inside app and web 2nd half APP fitures locate & partner with translation app launch traslate develop get to know me fiture launch get to know me fiture partner with carpooling Start-UP Lunch Hitch (carpool) other industries re-allocate staff team - within swiss HQ personal communication with customers
Implantation plan Timeline short term long term 2n+3rd Q 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 market development B2G - swiss approach to impact invest funds locate potential stakeholders within local municipalities 2nd half 1st half Approach with offer to stakeholders Develop custome made to - street cleaners Pilot 1st year - SWISS 3 municipalities 8 municipalities 20 municipalities develop custome made to - mainetainance 30% discount 1st year develop custome made to - local police exapansion to Germay
Finance Staff allocation 2018 Hotel 8 other 4 B2G 3 total cost 2018 Hotel 8 other 4 B2G 3 total cost 1,800,000 new engneers b2b 3 H level 360,000 2 L level 168,000 528,000 new total 2,328,000 yearly salary H engeneers 120,000 L engeneer 84,000
Investment projections Finance Investment projections leacing new HQ in NA (yearly) 150 s.feet 750,000 mainstream beachhead staff re-allocation 20,000 per person 160,000 target marketing 10,000 locate potential adv. Sponsers 5,000 translation app 50,000 develop know me app 100,000 carpooling 1,125,000 impact invest requests 27,600 B2G non-engneers staff 5 new staff 138,000 new Engeneering 528,000 693,600 1,818,600 new bigger HQ 10,000,000
New offer Value projections – B2G Finance New offer Value projections – B2G 100 employee month year carpool 50,000 600000 communication 30,000 360000 Stats on work 1,560,000
Crisis in hotels segment Risk Mitigation EU new legislation Switzerland is not a part of the EU B2G is not achieving Expand to airport segments and airlines due to suitability of existing product Crisis in hotels segment Move to new hospitality forms- boutique hotels
conclusion Marker development Diversification Market penetration Product development New Market Existing Existing New Product