Exam #2 F 3/6 in class (bring cheat sheet) Bonus #1 due, now
How do stable ecosystems develop? Not all habitats are equal
Primary Succession- the first organisms to colonize bare rock Secondary Succession- recovery from a disturbance
Primary Succession- from non-living to living
Primary succession as this glacier retreats Fig 53.22
Primary Succession after glacier retreat, 150-300 years Fig 53.22
Primary Succession: each stage helps enable the next
Secondary Succession: after a fire
Grassland biodiversity and biomass are increased by regular burns
Secondary Succession of a field (20 yrs) Fig 53.21
Human vs Natural Disturbances
Chernobyl fire April 26, 1986 http://video.google.com/videoplay?do cid=1108163171078608385
The Chernobyl accident was by far the largest unintentional release of radioactive material into the environment and caused widespread contamination in Europe.
After the accident on April 26, 1986, ~116,000 people were evacuated, most from a zone of 30-km radius. That included about 45,000 people from the town of Pripyat.
The most heavily exposed emergency workers received doses that were sufficiently high to kill them in the weeks and months after the accident.
Chernobyl April 26, 1986 Cancer consequences of the Chernobyl accident: 20 years on J. Radiological Protection 26 (2006) 127–140 Elisabeth Cardis et al.
Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong
Multiple mutations are required for a single cell to become cancerous.
The rapidity of increased childhood thyroid cancer in the heavily contaminated areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia was surprising. 4 years
The issue of the effects on health of the Chernobyl accident has become part of the political debate over the future role of nuclear energy, which has inevitably led to dispute over the level of effects either observed or anticipated.
After the accident on April 26, 1986, ~116,000 people were evacuated, most from a zone of 30-km radius. That included about 45,000 people from the town of Pripyat.
For more pictures: http://www.nikongear.com/Chernobyl/Chernobyl_1.htm
What about non-human inhabitants? turtle in exclusion zone