PS/RtI: Pre-pre-planning for success 10 August 2012 Megan Faust, Ed.S.
But first, a little bit about me . . . How I got to Sigsbee . . .
What is PS-RtI? Problem Solving – Response to Intervention (Instruction) PS-RtI’s role in Special Education What it is . . . What it is not
The “Problem Solving” part . . .
The “Problem Solving” part . . . Sticky note research exercise?
The “Problem Solving” part . . . Sticky note research exercise?
The “Problem Solving” part . . . Sticky note research exercise?
The “Problem Solving” part . . . Sticky note research exercise?
The “Problem Solving” part . . . Sticky note research exercise?
The “Intervention” part . . .
The “Intervention” part . . .
The “Progress Monitoring” part . . . What types of assessments do you use in your curricula? Please include both academic and behavioral . . .
The “Progress Monitoring” part . . . Is the “response” positive, questionable, or poor? Positive = the same or current instruction/interventions may be continued with the same or increased goal or may be “faded” gradually Questionable = the rate at which the gap is widening slows but is still widening and does not close Were the interventions implemented with fidelity? Negative = the rate at which the gap is widening increases
Putting it all together . . . Sample team worksheet PSRTI worksheet.docx
When does “intensive . . . individualized” become Special Education?
Resources MCSD PS/RtI Manual (Draft) (Link forthcoming . . .) Q&A