Period 3 & 7 We will examine the period of change known as the Roaring Twenties and how different groups responded to that change. Test topics Go over homework Chapter 32 Notes Assembly Line challenge
Test Topics Causes of World War I Americans at home during the war Americans at war Wilson’s 14 Points Treaty of Versailles Anger about treaty at home Fear of immigrants/ communists/ change KKK Prohibition Scopes Trial/ Sacco and Vanzetti Woman suffrage Modernization/ Henry Ford/ Lindbergh Jazz Age/ Flappers
Seeing Red Bolshevik Revolution in Russia spawns communist party in America Red scare – nationwide crusade against people who were Un-American Free speech was restricted Sacco and Vanzetti case – jury was prejudiced against men because they were Italians, atheists, and draft dodgers. Executed in 1927
Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK Klan spread quickly in the 1920s Pro “native” American, Pro Protestant Anti Foreigner, Anti Catholic, Anti Communist Numbers rose because of fear of drastic social change in America
Stemming the Foreign Blood Emergency Quota Act – European Quota 3% of nationality in 1910 Immigration Act of 1924 – lowered Quota to 2% and ended unrestricted immigration in America
The Prohibition Experiment 18th Amendment banned alcohol Supported by churches and women Speakeasies replaced saloons Savings increased and absenteeism from work drops, increase in organized crime
Monkey Business in Tennessee John Scopes, school teacher arrested for teacher evolution Fundamentalist claimed teaching evolution was leading to moral breakdown of society
Mass Consumption Advertising made people want items more Assembly line made the Model T affordable to many Americans Most Americans bought on credit and ran up a huge debt
Developments Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic solo Gugliemo Marconi develops wireless telegraph Radio becomes popular and delivers news and entertainment Motion picture developed by Edison. The Great Train Robbery
b Dynamic Decade Known as the Jazz Age Margaret Sanger led birth control revolution Flappers were young women who broke with tradition F. Scott Fitzgerald writes the Great Gatsby b