Characteristics of Living Things Essential Question: What are characteristics of life? What distinguishes a living and non-living thing? Learning Targets: I can list and define the characteristics of living organisms can name & describe the life functions Name the four main elements found in living things What are they looking at?
Bio- life logy- study of I. Characteristics of Life Made of cells. Can Reproduce. Have a genetic code. Grow and develop. Obtain and use energy. Respond to the environment. Maintain stable internal environment. Taken as a group they change over time. Paste into your journal
Characteristics of Living Things (6min)
1. Made of cells Cell- self-contained unit that makes up living things. Unicellular- one cell. Multicellular- more than one cell.
2. Reproduction Sexual- 2 cells from different parents unite to produce an organism. Asexual- new organism comes from a single parent.
3. Based on a genetic code DNA- molecule that contains genetic info.
4. Growth and development Life cycle- a pattern of growth and change.
5. Need for materials and energy Metabolism- a collection of chemical reactions that occurs in an organism.
6. Response to the environment Leaves on trees begin to change color when the hours of sunlight in a given day begin to decrease.
6a. Responding to the Environment Stimulus: something that causes an organism to react in some way. Response: how an organism reacts to a stimulus.
7. Maintaining an internal balance Homeostasis- maintaining a stable internal environment. The bird produces body heat to stay warm.
8. Evolution Evolve- change over time.
Now you should be able to list and define the characteristics of living organisms Click for biology song
II. Life Processes (Functions) Learning Targets: I can name & describe the life functions 1. Nutrition: The process of obtaining food (nutrients). What’s the difference in terms of nutrition????? Autotroph –vs- heterotroph 2. Transport : The absorption of materials and the circulation (distribution) of materials to all the cells of an organism. 3. Cell Respiration : The chemical activities that release energy (ATP) from food by breaking the chemical bonds. This energy is needed to maintain life Ex. Oxygen + glucose carbon dioxide + water + ENERGY (ATP) Makes own food - plants Gets food from environment- animals
5. Excretion : Getting rid of cellular waste 4. Synthesis : “to make” combining simple substances to make more complex substances. Ex. Starches made from simple sugars 5. Excretion : Getting rid of cellular waste CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2), WATER (H2O) & sodium chloride (salt) (NaCl). 6. Regulation (cOORDINATION): Responding to changes in the environment to maintain homeostasis. EX: Your pupils dilate to react to low lighting situation. 7. Growth: increase in living matter by increasing cell size or cell number 8. Reproduction: ability of organisms to form more of its own kind*(not needed for an organism’s survival but necessary for the survival of the species) **Metabolism: the sum total of all the life processes needed to sustain life
III. Chemical Composition of Living Things LT: I can name the four main elements found in living things A. Living things are made of four main elements carbon (C) hydrogen (H) oxygen (O) nitrogen (N)
B. These elements combine to form molecules. 1. Organic Molecules contain BOTH carbon and hydrogen Proteins (ie. enzymes) Fats Carbohydrates Nucleic acids Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Nucleic acids
2. Inorganic Molecules Inorganic means NOT derived from a living thing Molecular formulas DO NOT contain both C and H at the same time Many inorganic molecules and substances that living things rely on: Water (H2O)-most abundant substance in the human body Salt (NaCl) & minerals Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and bases Gases – O2 and CO2
Which of these molecules is organic? CO2 O2 C6H14N2O2 C5H6N2O2 Fe2O3
IV. Levels of Organization LT: I can name the levels of organization & differentiate btwn a multicelluar and unicellular org in terms of organizational level MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS Complex- many cells UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS simple-ONE celled
Detailed LOOK AT Levels of Organization Individual living thing Organism Bison Tissues, organs, and body systems Groups of Cells Nervous tissue Brain Nervous system Smallest functional unit of life Cells Nerve cell Groups of atoms; smallest unit of most chemical compounds Molecules Water DNA Go to Section: 1/10/2019
YOUR Practice: Quiz will follow shortly Characteristics of Life Reading Packet Review Book Read pgs 2-5 & answer questions 1-10 on loose leaf paper Practice using the Life Function Vocab Quizlet on LE homepage
Reviewbook Answers pgs 4-5 #1-10 any 2 of the following: Made of cells; maintain homeostasis; require energy to live; or carry on respiration; etc 3 2 to look for cells 4 1 living things maintain homeostasis; reproduce; made of functioning cells; or require energy
V. Similarities and Differences Among Living Things Living things go about the 4 characteristics in similar AND different ways 1. Living things are made of CELLS that contain DNA 2. Living things have a METABOLISM to help them use energy to live, grow, and develop. THE SUM TOTAL OF ALL LIFE FUNCTIONS. 3. Living things maintain HOMEOSTASIS: a stable internal environment Ex: Your body sweats in order to maintain a proper internal temperature 4. Living things REPRODUCE and carry on the life functions.
Simple to Complex: The Video Clip
VI. Helping Vocabulary 1. Number of cells: Multicellular: Made of many cells Unicellular: Made of one cell 2. Nucleus? Eukaryote: Cells contain a nucleus Prokaryote: Cells lack a nucleus 3. Mode of nutrition: Heterotroph: Need to obtain food ex. man Autotroph: Can make their own food (photosynthesis) ex. plants
Modern Classification System …the 3 Domain system Bacteria Eubacteria Archaea Archaebacteria Eukararya Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Classification song:
The Five Kingdoms: The Video Clip
VII. The 5 Kingdoms Animalia Fungi Plantae Protista Monera Similarities and Differences in life processes has grouped orgs into 5 different kingdoms Animalia Fungi Plantae Protista Monera MULTICELLULAR EUKARYOTIC UNICELLULAR PROKARYOTIC
1. Obtaining Nutrients (Food) a) Heterotroph Gets nutrients from the environment Kingdoms: Animalia, Fungi, Some Protista and Monera b) Autotroph Makes own food Plantae and some Protists (photosynthesis), some Bacteria (chemosynthesis)
2. Transport of Materials a) Unicellular Orgs: Transport within cytoplasm Kingdoms: Protista, Monera b) Multicellular Orgs: Transport within liquids and tubes Animalia, Plantae, Fungi
3. Reproduction a) Asexual: b) Sexual: One parent Offspring genetically identical (clones) Kingdoms: Some Fungi, Protista, Monera b) Sexual: Two parents Offspring genetically different from parents Some Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
VIII. Classification A. Why classify organisms? For easy identification For evolutionary comparison of organisms B. Taxonomy – science of naming organisms Developed by Carolus Linnaeus Organisms are grouped into large categories based on similarities then separated based on differences Watch Taxonomy video: Those with common ancestors are grouped together.
C. Binomial Nomenclature 1. Two-word naming system 2. Scientific name = Genus + species First letter of Genus (capitalized), followed by species species is not capitalized always italicized or underlined Ex. Ursus arctos or Ursus arctos (grizzly bear) Ex. Ursus maritimus or Ursus maritimus (polar bear) Abbreviation: Ex. U. arctos or U. maritimus Scientists have only identified and named a FRACTION of all living organisms on Earth!!!!
D. Linnaeus’s Classification Levels Type of Kingdom Phyla (s. Phylum) Class Order Family Genus Species # OF ORGANISMS DECREASES DIFFERENCES AMONG ORGS INCREASES Classification song:
A species is able to successfully reproduce amongst its members. Categories Memory Device Human Kingdom King Animalia Phylum Phillip Chordata Has backbone Class Called Mammalia Females have mammary glands Order Oprah Primates Larger brain size Family For Hominidae Genus Good Homo Species Spices sapiens A species is able to successfully reproduce amongst its members.
E. DICHOTOMOUS KEY A tool used to identify things Statements occur in pairs that require a yes or no response based on the items characteristics
Website with nice graphics of levels of biological organization: THE END