mendacious: adjective definition: telling lies, especially habitually false or untrue
mendacious pronunciation: men-dey-shuhs
mendacious noun mendacity mendaciousness adverb related forms: mendaciously
mendacious deceptive lying untruthful misleading deceitful false Synonyms: deceptive lying untruthful misleading deceitful false
mendacious The mendacious man, who was married, asked his secretary on a date.
mendacious The mendacious young boy considered cheating acceptable.
mendacious According to the Bible, the mendacious snake enticed Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.
mendacity The mendacity of the used car salesman was written all over his face.
mendacity Because of her mendacity, we didn’t know what to expect from her.
mendacity In Liar Liar, the main character must avoid mendacity and tell the truth for 24 hours.
mendaciousness Josef Gobbles had a great capacity for mendaciousness, so he was a perfect person to be the Minister of Propaganda.
mendaciously When the child behaved mendaciously, his friends chanted, “Liar, liar, pants on fire!”