Density of Fluids Investigation 5, Part 1 Convection Density of Fluids Investigation 5, Part 1 TG-p.141-155
Setting the Scene Discuss: What is the root cause of the layering of the liquids in the bottles? TG- P.156
Challenge: Can you layer salt water? The materials you get to use are… TG- P.156 Straw & holder Colored salt water
Using the standing tube--- Gently squeeze a few drops of each liquid into the straw at a time. When at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. TG- P.156
When using the straw--- Let the drops slide down the side of the straw to avoid unwanted mixing. TG- P.156
Record Data Read and follow directions on “Liquid Layers” lab sheet Discuss part 2, but wait for discussion before answering the question. TG- P.157 Student lab Notebooks . P.21- Liquid layers
Discussion What do you think caused the salt solutions to layer this way? Did the salt change the properties of the water? How is your layer similar to my layering? Is it caused by the same thing? TG- P.157 Student lab Notebooks . P.21- Liquid layers
Can you order these items from lightest to heaviest? Ponder this! Can you order these items from lightest to heaviest? 100 ml marbles 100 ml jelly TG- P.158 100 ml cotton 100 ml iron
Weight and volume Cup of beans and the cup of foam cubes Which do you think is heavier? Think about this: Cups are the same size and full How can one be heavier than the other? TG- P.158
Mass vs. Volume Mass Volume The amount of matter in an object You find mass by measuring the weight in grams Volume Is how much space a sample of matter occupies Measured using graduated cylinders TG- P.158
Density The amount of matter in a volume of material Density = mass / volume Ratio between the mass of matter and its volume Equal volumes of material One is heavier than the other Heavier material is denser TG- P.158
Consider salt solution Do you think density played a role in the layering activity? TG- P.158
Determining Density TG- P.158-159 Will these 2 identical volumes of liquids have the same mass? Make a prediction!
Mass Investigated Mass 25.0 g Mass 28.2 g Which solution is denser? TG- P.159 Which solution is denser? How do you know?
Discuss with group Which solution would layer on top of the other? What does this tell you about how liquids of different densities interact? TG- P.159
Masses and Volumes Mass Volume Red 25.0 g 25 ml Green 26.5 g Yellow 28.2 g Blue 30.0 g On the “Liquid Layers” lab, write the masses and volumes Answer part 2 in your own words TG- P.159 Student Lab Notebooks .P 21 - Liquid Layers
Densities of colored salt solutions Turn to “Calculating Density” Transfer data from”Liquid Layers” page Calculate the density (D = M / V) and answer the questions at the bottom TG- P.159 Student Lab Notebooks .P 21 and P.23 - Liquid Layers
Answer Red = 1.00 g/ml Green = 1.06 g/ml Yellow = 1.13 g/ml Blue = 1.20 g/ml TG- P.160-161 Student Lab Notebooks .P 21 and P.23 - Liquid Layers
Revisiting density bottles Observe the bottles again Explain those observations in terms of density Talk to group, then we’ll share TG- P.161
Response Sheet Turn to page 25 in your lab book Read and complete Work with partner or table TG- P.161 Student Lab Notebooks- P. 25
Reading Read Density on page 27 of the green resource book Use ‘outline’ format to record notes from each section of the text TG- P.162 Resource Book P.27 Teacher Master Answer Sheet P. 391