ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFORMATION SESSION MONTH DAY, YEAR [ Throughout the notes section of this presentation is additional information pertaining to each slide. Each slide will only have brief bullet points (to prevent the viewer from being distracted by long paragraphs; the presenter should supplement each bullet point with the additional information provided here ]
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION - ABOUT GLOBAL BRIGADES GLOBAL BRIGADES MISSION To empower volunteers to facilitate sustainable solutions in under resourced communities GLOBAL BRIGADES VISION To improve equality of life, by igniting the largest student-led social responsibility movement on the planet. Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. As a secular, international nonprofit organization, we mobilize student volunteers and professionals to empower communities in developing countries with programs that improve quality of life and environment, while respecting local culture. Students and professionals empower communities in Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, and Ghana.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION - PROGRAMS Global Brigades offers 8 programs, some in more countries than others. To empower volunteers, Global Brigades offers 8 skill-based programs
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – WHERE WE WORK Programs are offered in Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, and Ghana COUNTRIES SELECTED BASED ON: Large need in rural areas Strong community partnerships Logistically feasible Safe for volunteers NEEDS THAT GLOBAL BRIGADES ADDRESSES: Basic services Healthcare Economic Global Brigades focuses on countries where family members survive on less than $2 per day and where medical and economic needs are severely neglected and resources for basic services are low (most health issues are related to lack of basic services – clean water and public health infrastructure). Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, and Ghana were selected based on their high need for services in their rural areas, strong on-the ground partnerships for sustainability, accessibility to logistical needs (for transporting groups, providing lodging and food), and safety. Through on-the ground full-time staff in Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, and Ghana, Global Brigades is able to work with communities to ensure sustainable work and perpetuate on-going services in-between brigades. Medical Brigades has developed relationships with 80 community partners. For every medical brigade club that is established one more community is able to receive care. Medical Brigades clubs systematically traveled to Central America so that each community receives a clinic every 3 to 4 months. This method has been very successful in improving a consistent health care access to communities for a healthier population. For example, in 2005 in any given community partner, an average brigade consisted of more than 800 patients. In 2009, in that same community, a brigade only needed to treat about 300. The decrease in number not only shows the improved overall community health, but also allows us to provide more thorough and comprehensive care. [ Additional Information: communities GB works in are systematically ranked by baseline household surveys administered by the Research and Evaluation Team. This allows GB to focus on specific communities with the greatest need. ]
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – PROGRAMS AND COUNTRIES Programs offered in each country Nicaragua Ghana Honduras Business Dental Engineering Medical Microfinance Public Health Water Panama Global Brigades holistic model of develop incorporates the following programs in Honduras. Global Brigades also offers the Medical Brigades program in Panama, Nicaragua, and Ghana, however the Medical program in the other countries is a little different, so this presentation only focuses on our Medical Brigades program in Honduras. A separate powerpoint can be found on the Student Resource Site for Ghana Medical Brigades. Dental Medical Microfinance Water Business Dental Environmental Human Rights Medical Microfinance Medical Dental Public Health Water
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – PROGRAMS AND COUNTRIES Programs offered in each country Nicaragua Ghana Honduras Business Dental Engineering Medical Microfinance Public Health Water Panama Global Brigades holistic model of develop incorporates the following programs in Honduras. Global Brigades also offers the Medical Brigades program in Panama, Nicaragua, and Ghana, however the Medical program in the other countries is a little different, so this presentation only focuses on our Medical Brigades program in Honduras. A separate powerpoint can be found on the Student Resource Site for Ghana Medical Brigades. Dental Medical Microfinance Water Business Dental Environmental Human Rights Medical Microfinance Medical Dental Public Health Water
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – RURAL PANAMA STATISTICS BELIZE Although the downtown area of Panama is highly developed, less than one hour away from the city, families have limited access to healthcare and small businesses have very limited access to legal resources and capital. Also, with limited education on the natural rainforests of the region, businesses and farmers are unaware of the effects of deforestation and environmental degradation. [ These statistics reflect the average community that Global Brigades serves in Panama.] Typical family lives on less than $3 per day Average level of education is approximately 6th grade In need of alternative environmental sustainable businesses Areas of high biodiversity at risk of environmental degradation GUATEMALA HONDURAS HONDURAS EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA PANAMA COSTA RICA
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – ENVIRONMENTAL NEEDS PANAMA´S ENVIRONMENT One of the most bio-diverse regions in the world Expansion of Pan-American Highway in 1970’s coupled with cheap land and government subsidies, led to a boom of colonization and exploitation of Eastern Panama WHAT ARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES? Conventional agriculture Slash-and-burn techniques Monoculture Chemical fertilizers All of these techniques result in soil degradation, loss of biodiversity and limited harvest yields No existing system of waste management Current methods affect public and environmental health Research and evaluation and being done Environmental Brigades volunteers work with community members and school children in rural villages on improving environmental sustainability. Volunteers develop strategies to address the socio-economic challenges that link to resource depletion and by providing education to community members on the importance of preservation while expanding their farms or businesses. Volunteers’ activities are focused on reforestation and sustainable agriculture. Volunteers have the opportunity to work with community members to help build greenhouses for community schools where children will learn about organic agriculture methods, crop rotation, permaculture, and soil health all while planting healthy vegetables to add more nutrients into their diets. During the rainy months of May-December, volunteers will work on a community wide reforestation project using permaculture to teach about alternatives to slash and burn style agriculture. Students will reforest in communal lands in all profits will go toward the Environmental committee that works with us to go toward community wide improvement projects.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – WHAT ARE ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES? Brigades work with community members to complete planting and maintenance for one of two types of farms: - A community´s Model Farm - An individual community member’s farm Community members receive education on resource depletion, waste management, and tools to put their knowledge to use on their land Volunteers calculate crop yield and profit projections for individual farmers, providing more personalized support with regards to sustainable practices Volunteers get greater appreciation for diversity, people of different cultures, and awareness of global environmental and social issues
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY COMMUNITY SELECTION Based on - Environmental need - Community commitment - Land availability for projects SUSTAINABILITY ASPECTS Environmental Committees: - Consist of dedicated community members - Work alongside volunteers on the Model Farm to implement sustainable agricultural practices, even in the absence of Global Brigades staff and brigaders In-country staff: - Trains and meets with the Environmental Committees - Follows-up with the committee and schools after brigades to ensure projects continuation - Meets with individual farmers receiving consultation to provide support and guidance Beginning in January 2011, GB’s Community Research and Evaluation team conducted an extensive operation to identify a new region to work in. After months of R&E, the team indentified the region of Torti in the eastern part of the Panama Province to be the area of focus.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – ENVIRONMENTAL TEAM ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES TEAM Coordinator: Leads your brigade Program Lead and Technicians: - Build relationship with community - Train community leaders - Work with community in preparation for brigade arrival - Work with community post-brigade to do follow-up work Program Associate: - Updates the website and sends out newsletters to past and future volunteers - Works with in-country staff and Chapter Advisor to arrange brigade logistics - Hosts webinars, visits brigade in Panama, and more! Global Brigades supports a full-time staff in Panama to prepare for and coordinate Brigades and to conduct follow-up and measure community impact. Each Brigade will have coordinator and interpreters throughout their time in Panama to ensure project success and to coordinate logistics.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – WHY WE WANT YOU YOUR BENEFITS Contribute to sustainable change - Empower community to decrease natural resource depletion and to learn sustainable methods of agriculture Education application - Environmental knowledge transfer - Spanish language immersion - International development exposure COMMUNITY BENEFITS Students empower community members Students provide educational workshops on sustainable agriculture and environmental issues Local farmers receive personalized support for calculating yield and profit projections under current practices
WHAT DOES A BRIGADE LOOK LIKE? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI1KPjiaSow&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL4vQgupWfr847f3aG13db-TlGAJFux7oI
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – SAMPLE ITINERARY DAY 1: ARRIVAL & ENVIRONMENTAL INTRODUCTION Transportation to lodging facility Panama and Environmental introduction - Rural communities - Needs you are addressing - How Environmental Brigades makes a difference - Best practices The first day is spent traveling to Panama and out to the project site in East Panama. Brigaders receive information about the community and its environmental scope.Time is spent covering family profiles for the visits of the week.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – SAMPLE ITINERARY DAY 2: COMMUNITY AND PROGRAM INTRODUCTION Introduction to Environmental Brigades, the Holistic Model, and other programs within GB Panama Visit to sustainable eco-farm Community and project introduction
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – SAMPLE ITINERARY DAYS 3, 4: ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD WORK Work with 2 types of farmers: - The Environmental Committee & the Model Farm - Community members with their own farms Farms include crops and livestock Your brigade’s field work depends on which farms you will work with & what stage they are at Sample activities include: - Planting of crops - Construction for livestock (chicken coop) - Maintenance (Fertilizer, weeding, pruning) - Follow-Up *On the farm land, the type and amount of tree and crop planting depends on time of year and synchronization with the growing season. Some projects are season-dependent (rainy season) – for example, December-January is not ideal for planting or soil preparations because those months fall in the dry season. Instead, we would focus on a project such as, but not limited to, building a green house to help foster young plants and trees for reforestation and re- vegetation when the rainy season comes
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – SAMPLE ITINERARY DAYS 3, 4, 5: YIELD & PROFIT PROJECTIONS Consult farmers on calculating their farm’s production & profit Calculation takes into account: - Size of plot - Crops & Prices - Growing time - Expenses over time Goal: maximize crop output, production, and profit Receive training in-country to complete projections.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – SAMPLE ITINERARY DAY 6: EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP & CULTURAL EXCHANGE EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP Volunteers will present Yield Profit and Projection Calculations to local farmers Connect sustainable agricultural practices to increased crop yield and profit CULTURAL EXCHANGE Volunteers meet with community members to thank them for their participation Volunteers have the opportunity to experience the local culture with shows of: - Traditional song and dance - Artisan hand-made crafts - Educational exchange Departure day is a great opportunity to recap the trip and talk about the need for additional brigades. The communities we work in and have developed relationships with are expecting us to continue our work! It’s a good time to set recruitment and fundraising goals and discuss new leadership positions available. One you’ve arrived home don’t forget to update donors, friends and family about the trip. This is a great way to further reinforce and humanize the needs in these communities and gather support for additional brigades and overall education about the water crisis.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – SAMPLE ITINERARY DAY 7: NEXT STEPS AND DEPARTURE Start planning for next brigade - Set goals - Leadership positions Share experiences with donors, friends, & family Get connected via GB networks - Updates on your community and project Learn and share about environmental topics around the world
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – PRE-DEPARTURE PREPARATION PRE-BRIGADE CURRICULUM 6 pre-Brigade lesson plans Includes program- and country-specific education resources and group discussions to fully prepare for your Brigade To preview lessons, go to the Volunteer Resources Site (VRS) https://www.globalbrigades.org/ volunteer-tools-home Ask the Chapter Education Chair or Chapter President for the lesson plan schedule!
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – TOTAL CONTRIBUTION HOW IS YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADE FUNDED? Volunteers’ Program Contribution: - $890 (Panama) - Brigade expenses - Program sustainability - Project Fund - Family Cases - Airfare: Varies PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION DETAILS Accommodations & meals (dietary restrictions should be communicated to the Chapter Advisor) Clean drinking water Airport pick-up and drop-off In-country transportation Spanish translators, coordinators, and security Program sustainability and follow-up between brigades Project Materials: $100 Volunteers will be lodged one of the several compounds that GB partners with in Eastern Panama. All accommodations are clean and safe. There is electricity, bathrooms and clean drinking water on site. Meals are prepared on site using clean water and food specifically for the brigade. A GB staff member will be with the volunteers at all times and available for 24 hour assistance.
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – RESOURCES FOR YOU FUNDRAISING PLATFORM www.globalbrigades.org/dashboard Send links of brigade project information to donors Create personalized profile to share with your donors Track donation progress on individual and group level VOLUNTEER RESOURCE SITE (VRS) https://www.globalbrigades.org/volunteer-tools-home Brigade planning materials Testimonials and deliverables from past brigades Community and compound profiles Frequently asked questions CHAPTER ADVISORS Based at the International Office in Esteli, Nicaragua Coordinate brigade planning and preparation with the Program Associates in Panama Assist volunteers with fundraising, flight booking and more!
Don’t know who your advisor is? ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – CONTACT INFORMATION Contact your Chapter Advisor for information about Environmental Brigades in Panama Don’t know who your advisor is? admin@globalbrigades.org
ENVIRONMENTAL BRIGADES INFO SESSION – JOIN THE NEXT BRIGADE [ Consider adding more information to this slide, such as due dates for the brigade application, deposit due dates, next meeting date/time/location. ] NAME LAST NAME President Email Phone Number
QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? Don’t Hesitate to Ask!