Ecotrust - Fisheries for Communities Gathering February 23, 2018 T’aaq-wiihak 2018 ----- Meeting Notes (12-10-22 21:05) ----- communication - need to know more about the communication. need to have ways to get out and involve more of the fisherman. some communication idea - pay per diem for attendance. politicians were hiding things. 2-3 different fisherman. 1000s of dollar given out to boats to go fishing, and they did not always have an interest to go fishing. screening for boats to get money. invite them directly by phone, or visit or posting or radio Perhaps have an allocation per boat – so each boat would get a set amount. Have a community fishery where there are one day that is open to all the communities. Give all the fish to the community to that they can sell it and the benefit can go to the community to help the elders, etc. elder can take the fish and either keep it or sell it. Have a fishers advisory meeting that has a specific committee composed of just fishers. Ecotrust - Fisheries for Communities Gathering February 23, 2018
Legal Context 2009 BC SCC Decision: “Accordingly, I conclude that the plaintiffs have established aboriginal rights to fish for any species of fish in the environs of their territories and to sell that fish. … Broadly speaking, the right is not an unlimited right to fish on an industrial scale, but it does encompass a right to sell fish in the commercial marketplace.” Justice Garson Currently engaged in a follow up trial to further define how their rights can be accommodated and implemented in the modern fisheries management context.
Background Starting small in 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mosquito Vessels Participating 36 unknown 47 32 33 25 Trollers Participating 10 23 28 31 30 Fishers Registered 96 166 200 229 206 186 Fishers Participating 42 53 89 70 68 66
Barriers Negotiations with DFO DFO Policies
Lowering Barriers T’aaq-wiihak led monitoring Small negotiation wins 100% monitoring since the inception of the fishery Small negotiation wins Minimal allowable groundfish sales in the salmon fishery allowed with no cameras or 100% on-board observer requirements. Communal-style fishing Spreads economic opportunities to more community members
Sustainability Principle of hishukish tsa’walk, (everything is one) Roundtable Participation