Explanation of the research project and its PowerPoint (with examples from the 1940’s decade)
Dance to class with group Show PowerPoint to class RESEARCH Research facts & write notes Record sources in NoodleTools Organize those notes into subtopics Write a paragraph about each subtopic POWERPOINT A title slide with your decade and topic Slides for your subtopics Bibliography slide PRESENT Dance to class with group Show PowerPoint to class
TITLE PAGE (introduce your decade) The decade and its topic (This has been assigned to you.) The subtopics (You will find these as you research in books, encyclopedias, and websites; you will have FIVE subtopics.) Include photos from the sub-topics (You will find pictures on the web.)
1940’s – over 30 FACTS M-M’s created Synthetic rubber became useful T-shirt introduced Women wore utility clothes with square shoulders First Atomic Bomb Tested First Computer Built (ENIAC) Hair styles included large curls in front Germans Surrender Joe Louis made history in boxing Hitler Commits Suicide The Chicago Bears won the Super Bowl 4 times Microwave Oven Invented Movie: “It’s A Wonderful Life” Casablanca, Grapes of Wrath Nuremberg Trials Begin Nickle jukeboxes A Plane Crashes Into the Empire State Building Famous Singer: Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra Slinky Toy Hits Shelves Bob Hope on TV Jackie Robinson Joins the Dodgers, Becoming the First Black Baseball Player in the Major Leagues Three Stooges, Superman, Mickey Mouse Cartoon Character Bugs Bunny Debuts in “A Wild Hare” Toys: war guns, house, “Chutes and Ladders” Radio and phonograph players Captain James Gallagher flies around the world President Roosevelt Polaroid camera invented Ernest Hemmingway - author Penicillin created Ansel Adams - artist Helicopters made I do not need to research ALL facts about my decade; only what my specific topic is.
1940’s – TOPIC: ENTERTAINMENT M-M’s created Synthetic rubber became useful T-shirt introduced Three Stooges, Superman, Mickey Mouse Bob Hope on TV Women wore utility clothes with square shoulders First Atomic Bomb Tested First Computer Built (ENIAC) Hair styles included large curls in front Toys: war guns, house, “Chutes and Ladders” Joe Louis made history in boxing Germans Surrender The Chicago Bears won the Super Bowl 4 times Nickle jukeboxes Movie: “It’s A Wonderful Life” Casablanca, Grapes of Wrath Hitler Commits Suicide Microwave Oven Invented Nuremberg Trials Begin Famous Singer: Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra A Plane Crashes Into the Empire State Building Penicillin created Slinky Toy Hits Shelves Helicopters made Jackie Robinson Joins the Dodgers, Becoming the First Black Baseball Player in the Major Leagues Radio and phonograph players Cartoon Character Bugs Bunny Debuts in “A Wild Hare” President Roosevelt Ernest Hemmingway - author Captain James Gallagher flies around the world Ansel Adams - artist Polaroid camera invented SORT CARDS INTO TOPICS; TOPICS INTO CATEGORIES
1940’s – TOPIC: ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION Bob Hope on TV Bugs Bunny Debuts Captain America Comic First Appears Three Stooges Superman Mickey Mouse Tillstrom's Kukla, Fran, and Ollie MOVIES “It’s A Wonderful Life” “Casablanca” “Grapes of Wrath” “Snow White” “Pinocchio” “Fantasia” “Dumbo” “Bambi” BOOKS, ART & MUSIC Author Ernest Hemmingway Artist Ansel Adams Radio and phonograph players Nickle jukeboxes Bing Crosby Frank Sinatra Jazz While I research ENTERTAINMENT, another person in my same decade group is researching his or her topic….. Subtopic 1 Subtopic 2 Subtopic 3 THESE FIVE SUB-TOPICS BECOME THE POWERPOINT SLIDES – EACH TOPIC EXPLAINED IN A PARAGRAPH; INCLUDES PICTURES; USE AS MANY SLIDES AS NECESSARY. TOYS Slinky Toy Hits Shelves Boys- war guns Farm Yard Set Steel cars Pull Along Walking Dog Girls-house Electric Train Set Army doctor/nurse kit “Chutes and Ladders” FOOD Cheerios Tootsie Rolls McDonalds M-M’s Baskin Robbins Almond Joys Dairy Queen Junior Mints Victory Gardens Smarties School Lunch Act Subtopic 4 Subtopic 5
1940’s – TOPIC: FADS & FASHION Another person in my same decade group is researching FADS & FASHION … CLOTHING/ FORMAL WEAR/HAIR & MAKE-UP TRENDS OF DECADE What did people buy or collect? Slang terms SOCIETY’S VIEW OF WOMEN/HOMES ECONOMY/PRICES Groceries (bread, milk, eggs, gas) JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES
1940’s – TOPIC: INFLUENTIAL AND IMPORTANT LEADERS ROOSEVELT President of US FDR died 1945 HITLER Military leader Germany Led Nazi Leader in WWII JACKIE ROBINSON Joins the Dodgers First Black Baseball Player in the Major Leagues Another person in my same decade group is researching INFLUENTIAL LEADERS … CHECK WITH OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR GROUP SO YOU DO NOT DUPLICATE !! Also in SPORTS? Eleanor Roosevelt Women’s Rights ANNE FRANK Jewish girl hid from Nazis for two years Wrote diary Also in ENTERTAINMENT?
1940’s – TOPIC: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, & TRANSPORTATION CARS/AIR TRAVEL SPACE TRAVEL Rockets Monkey KITCHEN APPLIANCES Microwaves Refrigerators Another person in my same decade group is researching SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, & TRANSPORTATION… TV/RADIO/MOVIE THEATERS/CAMERAS/PHONES Polaroid camera invented Phonographs MEDICINE Polio vaccinations
1940’s – TOPIC: IMPORTANT EVENTS Bombing of Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Japanese attacked Hawaii US joined War 8 battleships damaged 4 sunk 2,403 Americans killed 178 others wounded War ended in 1945 Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered 1947 Decapitated Rooster Named Mike Lives for 18 Months THIS BECOMES ONE SLIDE --- THIS BECOMES ANOTHER --- First Computer Built (ENIAC) A Plane Crashes Into the Empire State Building Las Vegas Begins Its Transformation With the Building of the Flamingo Hotel
TOPIC: Important Events The first subtopic: Bombing of Pearl Harbor Facts about the first subtopic will be written on notecard templates, then turned into a paragraph: (1941, Japanese attacked Hawaii, America entered WWII, WWII ended in 1945…. (more…)) Include photos from the sub-topics (you will do this last!) EXAMPLE
Bombing of Pearl Harbor On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the US Military in Hawaii. Eight U.S. Navy battleships were damaged, four sunk. The Japanese also sank or damaged several other ships. 188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed; 2,403 Americans were killed and 1,178 others were wounded. This tragedy was the turning point for the United States deciding to join forces with their allies and enter WWII. Four years later, the War ended.
Mount Rushmore Completed Another paragraph that includes the facts found in books, encyclopedias, and websites will go here. A strong paragraph is constructed with the format R.A.C.E.S. using facts put into your own words. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Tell the story to your audience and enjoy it!
However, please use a font that is EASY to read!! If more information is needed, it’s great to add on another slide or two! However, please use a font that is EASY to read!!
The works cited bibliography you will create in NoodleTools. LAST SLIDE The works cited bibliography you will create in NoodleTools.
FIRST TASK: Find TWO songs…. Find TWO dance moves….
NEXT TASK… Complete both Noodle Tool assignments where you practiced how to make a bibliography Begin researching your decade Go to my webpage Click on RESEARCH LINKS Use the websites to begin researching
Take Notes 5 subtopics Details for each subtopic written on orange template Find in a variety of sources (not all from one website)
Make a Paragraph In the early 40s toys were getting more advanced, but they all had sort of a war slant to them. Guns and military type toys were in every little boy’s hands. Girls were playing house, pretending to be mommy, feeding and clothing their little baby dolls — of which they had dozens to choose from. They had toy brooms, mops, tea sets, irons, ovens — you name it. If mom had it, they made a small version for lil Jane. Later the games started to call themselves electronic, but they weren’t electronic like we think of them. A game could call itself electronic if it had a blinking light. Board games didn’t change much, but it was clear as the years progressed that board game makers were trying their best to make the next Monopoly. Chutes and Ladders, which was originally a game in India called Snakes and Ladders, was introduced in 1943 by Milton Bradley.
Make a Paragraph with DETAILS In the early 40s toys were getting more advanced, but they all had sort of a war slant to them. Guns and military type toys were in every little boy’s hands. Girls were playing house, pretending to be mommy, feeding and clothing their little baby dolls — of which they had dozens to choose from. They had toy brooms, mops, tea sets, irons, ovens — you name it. If mom had it, they made a small version for lil Jane. Later the games started to call themselves electronic, but they weren’t electronic like we think of them. A game could call itself electronic if it had a blinking light. Board games didn’t change much, but it was clear as the years progressed that board game makers were trying their best to make the next Monopoly. Chutes and Ladders, which was originally a game in India called Snakes and Ladders, was introduced in 1943 by Milton Bradley.
Make a Paragraph with DETAILS In the early 40s toys were getting more advanced, but they all had sort of a war slant to them. Guns and military type toys were in every little boy’s hands. Girls were playing house, pretending to be mommy, feeding and clothing their little baby dolls — of which they had dozens to choose from. They had toy brooms, mops, tea sets, irons, ovens — you name it. If mom had it, they made a small version for lil Jane. Later the games started to call themselves electronic, but they weren’t electronic like we think of them. A game could call itself electronic if it had a blinking light. Board games didn’t change much, but it was clear as the years progressed that board game makers were trying their best to make the next Monopoly. Explain WHO created; WHAT the game entails; WHEN specifically was it made; HOW is the game played; WHERE was it played; COST... Chutes and Ladders, which was originally a game in India called Snakes and Ladders, was introduced in 1943 by Milton Bradley.
Go IN DEPTH! FOR EXAMPLE….. Would you rather eat one skittle, one M-M, one Reese's piece, one Hershey’s Kiss, and one jelly bean……
a bucket of Reese's pieces Or would you rather have…. a bucket of Hershey’s Kisses a bucket of skittles a bucket of Reese's pieces a bucket of jelly beans a bucket of m-m’s