_______________ traits are controlled by two or more genes. A bell shaped curve is typical of polygenic traits Graph from BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publshing©2006
The ___________ of individuals near each other will not be very different, but fitness may vary from one end of curve to the other. Where fitness varies, ________________ can act! Graph from BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publshing©2006
Natural selection can affect the distribution of phenotypes in 3 ways: _____________ selection
DIRECTIONAL SELECTION Graph from BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publshing©2006 DIRECTIONAL SELECTION KEY Low mortality, high fitness High mortality, low fitness Food becomes scarce. Individuals at _____________ of the curve have higher fitness than individuals in middle or at other end. Graph shifts as some individuals fail to survive at one end and succeed and reproduce at other
EXAMPLE OF DIRECTIONAL SELECTION Beak size varies in a population Birds with bigger beaks can feed more easily on harder, thicker shelled seeds. Suppose a food shortage causes small and medium size seeds to run low. Birds with bigger beaks would be selected for and increase in numbers in population.
STABILIZING SELECTION Graph from BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publshing©2006 STABILIZING SELECTION Individuals in _____________ of the curve have higher fitness than individuals at either end Graph stays in same place but narrows as more organisms in middle are produced.
EXAMPLE OF STABILIZING SELECTION Human babies born with low birth weight are less likely to survive. Babies born too large have difficulty being born. Average size babies are selected for.
STABILIZING SELECTION Section 16-2 Stabilizing Selection Male birds with showier, brightly- colored plumage also attract predators, and are less likely to live long enough to find a mate. The most fit, then, is the male bird in the middle-- showy, but not too showy. Male birds use their plumage to attract mates. Male birds in the population with less brilliant and showy plumage are less likely to attract a mate, while male birds with showy plumage are more likely to attract a mate. Key Low mortality, high fitness High mortality, low fitness Selection against both extremes keep curve narrow and in same place. Percentage of Population Brightness of Feather Color Graph from BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publshing©2006
DISRUPTIVE SELECTION Individuals at _____________ of the curve Graph from BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publshing©2006 DISRUPTIVE SELECTION Individuals at _____________ of the curve have higher fitness than individuals in middle. Can cause graph to split into two. Selection creates __________________PHENOTYPES
EXAMPLE OF DISRUPTIVE SELECTION Suppose bird population lives in area where climate change causes medium size seeds become scarce while large and small seeds are still plentiful. Birds with bigger or smaller beaks would have greater fitness and the population may split into TWO GROUPS. One that eats small seeds and one that eats large seeds.
Large scale evolutionary patterns and processes that occur over long periods of time = ________________________ _______________________ ________________________
Mass Extinctions At several times in Earth’s history large numbers of species became extinct at the same time Caused by several factors: erupting volcanoes Plate tectonics (continents were moving) Sea levels were changing Asteroids hitting the Earth Global climate change
At the end of the _______________ ERA Example: At the end of the _______________ ERA More than HALF of all plants and animals were wiped out… including the dinosaurs
Effects of mass extinctions: _____________ and provides opportunities for ______________species After mass extinctions there is often a ___________________ that produces many __________________ EX: Cenozoic era that followed = “_______________” Mammals species increased dramatically remaining Image from: BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publishing©2006
____________________________________ When a single species or small group of species has evolved through ___________________ into diverse forms that live in different ways = ____________________________________ adaptive radiation OR divergent evolution Ex: Galápagos finches More than a dozen species evolved from one species
Sometimes different organisms evolution in different places or at different times but in _________________________ environments…and end up looking very similar. Process by which unrelated organisms come to resemble each other = _______________________
Example: Sharks, penguins, dolphins have all developed ________________ and appendages to move through water. The process by which two species evolve in response to changes in each other over time = __________________ See many examples of coevolution
How fast does evolution operate? Darwin believed evolution happened slowly over a long time If biological change is at a slow pace, it is called _____________.
Fossil record shows evolution happens more in _____. Pattern of a long stable period interrupted by a brief period of more rapid change =____________ bursts
Rapid evolution after long periods of equilibrium can occur for several reasons: 1) Happens when a small population is ____________ from the main population OR 2) A small group ________________to a new environment (like Galápagos finches)
ARE THERE ANY CONDITIONS IN WHICH EVOLUTION WILL NOT OCCUR? IS THERE A WAY TO TELL IF THIS IS HAPPENING? __________________________ Graph from BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publshing©2006
Hardy & Weinberg Who? Godfrey Hardy 1877-1947 Wilhelm Weinberg 1862-1937 They developed an equation that predicted the relative frequency of alleles in a population based on the frequency of the phenotypes in a population.
Gene Frequency & the Hardy-Weinberg Equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p2 = the frequency of homozygous dominant genotype 2pq = the frequency of heterozygous genotype q2 = the frequency of homozygous recessive genotype
HARDY-WEINBERG PRINCIPLE = allele frequency in a population will remain __________ unless one or more ________ cause the frequency to __________. In a situation in which allele frequencies remain constant ( = _________________ ) populations will NOT EVOLVE!
5 CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN GENETIC EQUILIBRIUM FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________
RANDOM MATING = ____________of the population must have an equal opportunity to produce offspring If some organisms are more likely to reproduce than others, the alleles in the population change.
LARGE POPULATIONS In small populations, changes can happen due to _________ instead of natural selection.
Organisms take their alleles with them where ever they go. NO MOVEMENT IN OR OUT Organisms take their alleles with them where ever they go.
Mutations add new alleles to gene pool. NO MUTATION Mutations add new alleles to gene pool.
NO NATURAL SELECTION If some organisms are more likely to survive than others, the alleles in the population change.
In some populations, these conditions may be met or nearly met over long periods of time, and little or no ________ occurs. BUT in most populations it is _______ for ____ conditions of Hardy-Weinberg to be met. In MOST populations . . . EVOLUTION happens ! LATEST DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE: WAS LAMARCK RIGHT AFTER ALL? Can ACQUIRED TRAITS be inherited? ?
REMEMBER: EPIGENETICS Prader-Willi syndrome- Born floppy and pale; Mildly retarded; Obesity;Tiny hands and feet; Short stature Underdeveloped sex organs, Spectacular temper tantrums especially if refused food Angelman syndrome - spontaneous laughter, jerky movements, severe retardation; and other motor and mental symptoms. Both missing same piece of chromosome #15 Prader- Willi- paternal piece missing Angelman – maternal piece missing Difference is due to genomic imprinting
Addition or removal or “methyl tags” may be influenced by environment GENOMIC IMPRINTING: Addition or removal or “methyl tags” may be influenced by environment Twins start with same methyl tags but become more different with age Agouti rats – changing diet of pregnant mom can change expression of genes VIDEO
maybe you can inherit some acquired traits! SO WHAT? If things you do can change the way your genes are expressed , then ….. maybe you can inherit some acquired traits! Can your choices affect your kids’ and grandkids’ epigenome?