Mid-Term Update February 2018 Dunbar Primary School Mid-Term Update February 2018
This year’s Priorities: New Phonics, Reading and Spelling programme from P1-P3 – Read Write Inc Use Mathletics with pupils at home and in school to develop and enhance their mental manipulation skills Close the attainment gap at Second Level Embed new positive behaviour programme – Ready to Learn
Read Write Inc Update on Progress One to One Tuition: P1- 17 children identified and receiving support minimum 3 sessions per week. 12% of the year group. P2- 16 children identified and receiving support minimum 2 sessions per week. 11% of the year group. P3 - 8 children identified and receiving support minimum 2 sessions per week. 6% of the year group.
Primary 1
Target: To increase the percentage of our on track children : Primary 2 Target: To increase the percentage of our on track children : Lowest groups allocated to teachers. Children identified for One to One support. August 2017: 53% of children on track with RWI expectations. October 2017: 76% of children on track with RWI expectations.# Jan 2018: 71% of children on track with RWI expectations. #expectations are based on a five day programme.
Primary 3 June 2017: 17% of children on Set 1 Sounds. October 2017: 8.14% of children on Set 1 Sounds. January 2018: 1.4% of children on Set 1 Sounds. June 2017: 36% of children on Set 2 sounds. October 2017: 16.28% of children on Set 2 sounds. January 2018: 11.2% of children on Set 2 Sounds. June 2017: 47% of children on set 3 sounds. October 2017: 79.24% children on set 3 sounds. January 2018: 87% children on Set 3 Sounds. 2 groups (60 in total) are now in a Literacy Group to focus on short novels.
Ready to Learn Very positive feedback from parents at November P Nights Pupils have been very supportive of the process and see it as being much fairer We notice fewer pupils coming down to see management or to ‘stay in a breaktime’ Teachers are using curriculum times to reinforce the positive behaviour ethos – play activities, social events We will survey staff in May
Mathletics and Maths Mixers P7 have been using this for 2 sessions P4, P6 and P5 are all trying it out this session Verbal feedback is positive – ‘time to think’, able to ask the teacher questions and not feel silly’, I am getting things right and I understand why! Teacher feedback indicates that pupils are using the skills and strategies being taught in their other numeracy and mathematics lessons - our aim Results from the SNAS will indicate if this has supported pupils mental manipulation skills Teacher formative and summative assessments will provide evidence
Parental Involvement Homework – Parent Council & Parent Evenings - Pupils Parental Engagement Policy – How Good Is DPS? Bring Our Adults To School days BOATS Read, Write and Numeracy bag sessions in P1, P2 and P3 Workshops for Read Write Inc for P1- P3 parents Drop-in workshops for Numeracy and Handwriting Mathletics workshops for Primary 3 parents - tbc Sex Education information evenings planned for Spring Term P7 World of Work week Assemblies for parents – P2, P6 and P7 Enterprise activities – P3 and P5 Count Me In – P2 parents (work to begin with P4 after Easter)
Community/Charity Activities Introduction of Charity group run by pupils Childhood Cancer, Brainwave and Macmillan Cancer Day RNLI Christmas Fundraiser – Jelly Wellies! Children in Need Blythswood Christmas Boxes Grandparents Day P1 Book Bug event P2 and P3 Read, Write, Count parent event Numeracy Workshops for parents Carol Singing at hospital, care home and Probus Club Supporting Anique Burke to travel to Malawi Purple Pinkie Day
Additional Information Introduction of Read Write Inc Pupil focus groups Professional Enquiry Groups P4-P7 P7 Camp at Broomlea BOATS Days 7th Year running - winning the East Lothian Indoor Athletics Competition Increasing roll – 45 Pupils enrolled since August School orchestra Winning East Lothian Badminton Championships – then 4th in Scotland! (sat) Winners of Dunbar Rotary Schools Quiz – 6th year in a row Introduction of Standardised Assessment for P1/P4/P7 P5 Overnight Educational Excursion John Muir Award Brad working with group of P7 boys and P3 boys The Ridge – cooking lessons with identified P6 and P7 pupils Relax Kids – initally with P3, hoping to move onto P7 before end of term
Coming up…… Parental, Pupil and Staff involvement in developing next year’s School Improvement Plan Pupil Equity Funding - £98,000
What is our gap? Pupils who need support due to poor start in life Pupils who need to develop maths/numeracy skills once they move on from P4 or face challenges wit 2nd Level Pupils who need 1:1 support to develop reading skills Pupils who have a chaotic home situation or are caring for an adult – attendance, lates, homework issues
Ideas so far.. Continue with Literacy Support Teacher Introduce mathematics support teacher for P4-P7 Create a Nurture Room at J Muir Campus for 12 pupils Family Support Worker to work with identified families Development of a Behaviour Support Base at J Muir