Outdoor Mathematics Fadjar Shadiq, M.App.Sc fadjar_p3g@yahoo.com www.fadjarp3g.wordpress.com 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
Power Point Presented on the Course on Developing Joyful Learning Mathematics for Primary School Teachers Waingapu, 1 – 5 Agustus 2016 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
Personal Identity Fadjar Shadiq, M.App.Sc Place and Date of Birth: Sumenep, 20-4-55 Education: Unesa and Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA Teaching Experience: SHS Mathematics Teacher and Instructor (0274)880762; 08156896973 fadjar_p3g@yahoo.com & www.fadjarp3g.wordpress.com 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
Pythagoras 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
2016 WGP OutDoor Math
COMPETENCY The participants have ability to use an outdoor mathematics activity and to connect mathematics to their world and to other subjects. 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
Meaning and Its Important Outdoor mathematics includes activities that help students connect mathematics to their world and to other subjects. This activity is designed to help and facilitate mathematics teachers and supervisors to experience outdoor mathematics in the natural way. They are expected to be able to implement outdoor activities in their classes or to help mathematics teachers to implement it. 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
Activity 1 Calculate/estimate the height of the flagpole in front of the school building. Don’t forget to take pictures. Using the isosceles right Angled Triangle Principle. Using the shadow principle. Using the 1 meter stick Using the roll meter Using the millimeter paper 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
Find the number of vehicle used on the road in front of the school. Activity 2 Find the number of vehicle used on the road in front of the school. Collecting data. Don’t forget to take pictures. Discuss in group how to represent the data. Presenting the results’. 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
How will you use in your classes? Activity 3 Find an interesting phenomena, building or any things near to the school building that can be used during the teaching and learning of mathematics. Collecting the interesting phenomena, building or any things. Don’t forget to take pictures. Why it is interesting? How will you use in your classes? 2016 WGP OutDoor Math
The End Thank You Very Much 2016 WGP OutDoor Math