WELCOME TO Freshman Fish registration!!!
How do you feel about High School? First Day of School Video
Tips for Success Grades Count!!!!! Get Involved Don’t Procrastinate Attend every day
What if things get too hard? Just keep Swimming Video Tutorials Parent Teacher Conferences Talk to someone (Counselor or Asst. Principal)
What are the BIGGEST changes from Middle School to High School Modified Block Schedule 1st block (55 minutes) 2A (90 minutes) 2B (90 minutes) 3A (90 minutes) /Lunch 3B (90 minutes) 4A (90 minutes) 4B (90 minutes) 5th block (55 minutes)
Where and How to Earn a Credit You EARN .5 credit for each class you successfully complete each semester. Successfully completing a class means you make a passing grade and have 90% attendance. You have to earn credits to go from one grade to the next and graduate IF YOU FAIL A CLASS YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT OVER UNTIL YOU PASS IT. You still have to pass the End of Course Exams
Recommended Plan Includes: 4 x 4 CORE REQUIREMENTS: 4 years of English 4 years of Math 4 years of Science 4 years of Social Studies
AND: World Language: 2 credits (3 if on the DAP) Spanish French German Latin *American Sign Language Speech Credit: ½ Professional Communications½ Fine Arts Credit: 1 Art Dance Band Orchestra Choir Theater Arts
AND: Physical Education Credit: 1 P.E. or Partner PE Athletics (actual sport)- Physicals Required Athletic Training ½ ROTC Dance Marching band (fall only) Cheerleading (fall only) Drill Team **PLEASE NOTE ALL UIL Athletics are competitive… NOT instructional
Cheerleading Tryouts: Parent Meeting – Tuesday Feb. 26th, 6p.m., RHS Clinic – Monday – March 18th-21st Tryout day – Friday March 22nd 1st Parent Cheer meeting –Tuesday March 26th Christie Weir– Sponsor: cweir@dentonisd.org Strutter (DrillTeam) Tryouts: Parent Meeting – Tuesday, January 29th Clinic – Monday – Thursday Feb 11th – 14th Tryout day – Friday – February 15th Kelli Jones– Sponsor: 940-369-3077
Distinguished achievement plan Same as recommended plan except . . . Same as Recommended Plan Add 3rd year of World Language STAAR testing requirement Four (4) additional advanced measures
D A P Advanced Measures Include: AP Courses(and satisfactory grade on AP exam) Dual Credit University Courses (with a “B” or higher grade) National Merit Scholarship Finalist Researched based project Sign up for PreAP Classes D A P
International Baccalaureate Program at DHS 2-Year college-prep course of study in the junior and senior year You are good IB DP candidate if you register for: 2 Pre-AP core courses Spanish, French, Latin or German (Level 1 or 2) Speech, PE, and Fine Art (state requirements) Contact the IB Coordinator, Beth Hughes 940-369-2238…bhughes@dentonisd.org www.dentonisd.org/dhsIB
The Course Card We’ll fill it out together Write in pencil only Fill in all information at top of course card You may not take the same course twice! (Example – Algebra)
English I 10110 Matt 123456 Smith Or PAP 123-4567 Brian/Mary Smith Smith@me.com 765-4321 Or PAP English I 10110
Algebra I 15115 Matt Smith Or PAP 123456 123-4567 Brian/Mary Smith Smith@me.com 765-4321 Or PAP Algebra I 15115
Biology 20310 Matt Smith Or PAP 123456 123-4567 Brian/Mary Smith Smith@me.com 765-4321 Or PAP Biology 20310
W. Geog 22110 Matt Smith Or PAP 123456 123-4567 Brian/Mary Smith Smith@me.com 765-4321 Or PAP W. Geog 22110
PreAP / AP Agreement
Build skills toward college/career choices WHY CTE Courses? Apply core curriculum in a different, more practical way. Seamless transition to college and earn college credit for free while in high school Earn licensures and certification while in high school
Advanced Technology Center (ATC)
9th Grade CTE Elective Courses
ASL I Volleyball 35110 27110 73110 Theater I English 1 10110 Or PAP English 1 10110 HS101/Speech Theater I ASL I Volleyball 911003/C20703 35110 27110 73110
Cheer Drill Team Spanish 1 BIM
Matt Smith Mary Smith
Schedule Change Request DECISIONS ARE FINAL
Did We Go Too Fast? Course Catalog General information, optional programs, description of all courses Righteous Video Middle school and high school websites Find the CTE power point and more info on these sites! Middle School & High School Counselors
Due Dates: Harpool=Wed. Feb 13 Calhoun = Wed. Feb 13 McMath = Thurs. Feb 14 Crownover = Friday Feb. 15 Navo = Monday Feb. 18 Strickland= Tuesday Feb.19 Due Dates:
How will your first day be? Obnoxious Video Do you feel more prepared?