The Personal Financial Success Company I appreciate this opportunity to spend a few minutes sharing some information about myEcon. myEcon has empowered thousands of people financially and has been a blessing to me and my family. Since I have been using myEcon’s system I have ___ (Personal myEcon Promo and/or some other myEcon leader’s Promo). (Additionally,) – Take 60 to 90 seconds or so to talk about, “Why you joined myEcon” and “What you like best about myEcon.” Rev. 010219 Business Presentation 01
COMPANY 14 Debt Technology Based Year Old Free Driven in Atlanta, GA myEcon is a 13 year old, debt free, technology driven company, based in Atlanta, GA and has empowered its Associates to generate over $400 million dollars. 14 Year Old Debt Free Technology Driven Based in Atlanta, GA $450 Million in Cashflow 02
PERSONAL FINANCIAL SUCCESS Enough Cashflow To Support Our Lifestyles: Working Years & Retirement Years myEcon’s mission is to empower people to attain: Personal Financial Success Personal Financial Success is simply having enough cashflow to support our lifestyles during our working years and our retirement years. During our working years, the money is generated as we work jobs or build businesses. However, during our retirement years the money must be generated by Income Producing Assets like stocks, bonds, real-estate and retirement accounts. To attain Personal Financial Success, we need to earn enough cashflow during our working years to support our lifestyles and simultaneously invest enough money to build enough assets to generate our desired retirement income. Millions of Americans are struggling to keep up financially, even though they work hard and are well educated. 03
5 OBSTACLES TO FINANCIAL SUCCESS Limited Income & Inflation High Taxes 1 2 Poor Credit Too Much Debt 3 Inadequate Saving & Investing 4 Limited Income & Inflation 5 04
OUR SOLUTION FINANCIAL SUCCESS MORE CASHFLOW & SMART FINANCIAL STRATEGIES INCOME SHIFTING MEMBERSHIP Millions of Americans need More Cashflow & Better Financial Strategies. Imagine what an additional $500 to $5000 or more in monthly cashflow could do for your budget. You could pay off debt quickly, build investments faster, buy a new car or even move into your dream house. However, acquiring more cashflow is not always easy. Fortunately, myEcon has two powerful ways for associates to acquire more cashflow. The first way is by using strategies in our Income Shifting Membership. The membership has 5 cashflow strategies and supporting software which enables associates to quickly acquire additional cashflow without being a great sales person. The second method to acquire additional cashflow is by Earning Business Income marketing memberships and other retail products. Let’s discuss how we increase our cashflow using the strategies in the membership first. EARN BUSINESS INCOME 15 Years 05
INCOME SHIFTING MEMBERSHIP 5 CASHFLOW STRATEGIES The 5 Strategies are: Correct Tax Withholding Build Better Credit Minimize Taxes Eliminate Debt Investment Education Let’s discuss each Cashflow Strategy in more detail. Correct Tax Withholding Build Great Credit Minimize Taxes via CFM Eliminate Debt Investment Education 06
CORRECT TAX WITHHOLDING Employees Lose Money 80% Employees Have Too Much Money Withheld From Their Paycheck For Taxes Maximize Take Home Pay Investing - Debt Elimination Lifestyle The IRS says over eighty percent of employees have too much money withheld from their pay checks for taxes. When employees have too much money withheld for taxes, they lose money because of something called ROI or Return on Investment. Our money has value. We can use our money to make money by investing or by paying debt off early. Even the IRS suggest people would be better off, if they correct their W4 to maximize their take home pay and use it for Investing or Debt Elimination. If, someone received an additional $400 in take home pay and added it to the payment of a $5,000 credit card balance, they would eliminate the debt in just 12 months and save thousands of dollars in interest payments. If they invested the $400 into their tax-deductible retirement account, they would save $1200 in taxes annually and grow their retirement savings quickly. Every day, we help hundreds of people correct their w4 and increase their take home pay by $200 to $500 monthly. Correcting Tax Withholding generates our associate’s 1st cashflow stream. Our 2nd cashflow strategy is . . . 07
BUILD GREAT CREDIT SMART CREDIT SYSTEM with the REPAIR BUILD MAINTAIN Poor credit can cost consumers thousands of dollars in high interest payments, job opportunities and benefits offered to high credit score consumers. myEcon associates use myEcon’s Smart Credit System to Repair, Build and Maintain great credit. The system includes educational videos on repairing and building a great credit score. The system also includes dispute letters, follow up letters, verification letters and more. Great credit reduces borrowing cost and generates more cashflow. Building better credit scores generates our associate’s 2nd cashflow stream. Our 3rd cashflow strategy is . . . REPAIR BUILD MAINTAIN 08
MINIMIZE TAXES VIA CASHFLOW MGR Car & Truck Travel Because myEcon associates are business owners, they have access to many tax deductions that employee’s do not. Associates who work at building their business to make a profit have the opportunity to earn income and maximize tax deductions. Many of the potential deductions are things we already spend money on. Let’s look at a few potential deductible expenses: Associates who use their Personal Vehicle to help build their business, can take tax deductions for some of the expenses by deducting business mileage at about $.55 per mile or by deducting a percentage of expenses like gas, tires, insurance, lease payments, interest on vehicle loans and the original cost of the vehicle. Associates may also deduct expenses for cell phones and internet access. Travel and Lodging incurred while doing business can also be tax deductible. Associates may also Hire Their Children to help them in business and pay them Tax Deductible Wages instead of giving them allowances or buying things for them with after tax dollars. myEcon also provides each associate with a mobile app which tracks income, expenses, receipts and business miles. We have discussed a few common deductions for HBB Owners, but there are hundreds of other potential deductions. Minimizing Taxes generates myEcon associate’s 3rd cashflow stream. Our 4th cashflow strategy is . . . Communications Wages 09
DEBT ELIMINATION ELIMINATE DEBT DEBT ELIMINATION TRAINING EXTRA CASH FLOW myEcon provides every associate with: Debt Elimination Software Extra Cashflow Generated by the other strategies and Debt Elimination Training which empowers associates to eliminate the debt quickly Debt Elimination generates our associates 4th Cashflow Stream. Our 5th cashflow strategy is . . . DEBT ELIMINATION SOFTWARE 15 Years 10
INVESTMENT EDUCATION INVESTMENT TERMINOLOGY & STRATEGIES INVESTING MAXIMIZING RETURN ON INVESTMENT Investment income provides Financial Freedom. Everyone needs it and everyone wants it. myEcon provides associates with comprehensive investment education on: Investment Terminology & Strategies Maximizing Return on Investment (ROI) Own A Piece of America Investing generates our associate’s 5th cashflow stream. Only myEcon associates get the complete Income Shifting Membership, but we market individual discount products and services retail to the general public. OWN A PIECE OF AMERICA 15 Years 11
DISCOUNT PRODUCTS & SERVICES Powerful Retail Strategy We display our products and services on each Associate’s website. Associates refer customers to their website; where customers order products online and save money. The system is great because Associates can build a successful business without the headaches and expenses of traditional business. Some of our key products are: Our retail Smart Money Credit System Identity Theft Protection which also includes Free & Discount Legal Services Our retail Cashflow Manager App which tracks income, expenses, receipts and mileage. Discount Travel for most major brands Our Roadside Assistance service . . . plus a Cashback Mall with over 1000 stores and millions of products. We also have a . . . 12
WORLD CLASS COMPENSATION FASTEST PAY Fastest Pay System $10 each on your 1st Two Membership Sales plus a 25% income match $35 on Personal Enrollees & up to $25 on Team Enrollees Up to $8 Monthly Residual Income on Each Active Membership Sale myEcon has the fastest pay and promotion system in the industry. The fastest way to earn income in myEcon is enrolling new associates into our Income Shifting Membership (ISM). The system is fast because we have an inexpensive membership enrollment fee of just $27.95 and every time you enroll a new Income Shifting member, you are also enrolling a new marketing associate which builds your marketing team and drives membership sales simultaneously. This process also generates fast upfront weekly income and long term monthly residual income on the membership sales The first 2 members you personally enroll promote you to EVP, our 1st leadership position. You earn $10 each on your first 2 enrollments and a 25% match on their baseshop earnings for as long as you are active in myEcon. Beginning with your 3rd enrollee, you earn $28 each time you personally enroll a new member and up to $20 each time one of your team members enroll a new member. Imagine having 25, 50 or even 100 new members enrolled on your team weekly. Top Associates in myEcon earn thousands of dollars in weekly commissions. In addition to the upfront $28 and $20 commissions. You also earn up to $8 monthly residual income on active members, beginning the 5th month a member is active. You can build a massive marketing team and income fast using the simple principle of “3 is key”. You enroll 3 members and teach your team to duplicate the process. You + 3 + 9 + 27 + 81 and so on . . . Let’s look at the income potential. You + 3 + 9 + 27 + 81 and so on… For Educational Purposes Only 13
WORLD CLASS COMPENSATION INCOME POTENTIAL Weekly Enrollees Weekly Pay Yearly Total Enrollees Monthly Residual 25 $625 1250 $10,000 100 $2500 5000 $40,000 250 $6250 12,500 $100,000 Fastest Pay and Promotion System Product Sales Commissions 60% Personal Retail Sales 20% Team Retail Sales Upfront Weekly Commissions & Compounding Residual Income If your team enrolls 25 new members per week you can earn up to $500 weekly, in a year you would have over 1250 membership enrollees and can earn up to $10,000 monthly in residual income If your team enrolls 100 new members per week you can earn up to $2000 weekly, in a year you would have over 5000 membership enrollees and can earn up to $40,000 monthly in residual income If your team enrolls 250 new members per week you can earn up to $5000 weekly, in a year you would have over 12,500 membership enrollees and can earn up to $100,000 monthly in residual income In addition to weekly commissions and monthly residual income on active memberships, you also earn 60% of the CV on personal retail product sales and up to 20% on team retail product sales. Imagine earning weekly upfront commissions and compounding monthly residual income on thousands of members. myEcon’s ISM and Business Income System simply make sense. Thousands of people have increased their cashflow and have made myEcon one of the fastest growing companies in America. Let’s look at one of myEcon’s best points, the price. For Educational Purposes Only 14
SIGN UP TODAY AND RECEIVE Tax Withholding Training Smart Credit System Personalized Website plus… Our World Class Business System and Income Shifting Membership Cashflow Manager App Debt Elimination Software Investment Education Training Valuable Tax Benefits When you sign up, you receive: A Personalized Website, Our World Class Business System and our Income Shifting Membership: Our membership includes our: Tax Withholding Training . . . . . . Smart Credit System Cashflow Manager Tax Record Keeping App Debt Elimination System . . . and our Investment Education Training You get the entire system for an amazing price. You pay a onetime fee of just $27.95 and 30 days after you enroll, you begin paying a small monthly fee of just $34.95. The monthly fee covers the ongoing cost for the website & services in the membership. Remember the fees are tax deductible and as an actively engaged business owner, you have the opportunity to get thousands of dollars in tax deductions. Many people save more on taxes than it cost them to have the system. Get started today & start making and saving money immediately!!! $49.95 One Time $34.95 Per Month 15