YOUR TITLE GOES HERE Vital that you have a big catchy title Great to have a strong image that sells the big idea behind your webinar or online training Make it exciting – think of a great movie that grabs your attention right from the start
Strong Introduction Remember – you MUST get them excited about what they are going to hear. Reel them in, get them sitting up and get them excited about what they are going to hear. This is really important. Script this out. Be confident, assertive. Don't take questions. Let them know they are in for an amazing webinar. Let them know that it will change their life. Let them know that they are in the right place and they should be proud that they have given up their time and energy to be there for this. BE PASSIONATE
Outline reason 1 for showing up (ask a question)?
Use an image to sell your big idea or big promise This is your hook – that is – what is going to get them to lean in? What is going to invoke curiosity? Using a great image will really help here. You may even use 3-4 images to explain what your big idea and big promise is.
Mention your stick strategy – i.e. the reason to stick to the end Provide a strong reason for your audience to stick around to the end. Remember – humans love secrets. We love to know the missing piece of the jigsaw. Make it strong and bold and more people will stick around – guaranteed.
Let them know you will be offering next steps Only spend 10 seconds on this. Simply let people know that you will be offering the next step at the back of the webinar. This will help people relax and in effect, you are positioning the close. Say it confidently and then move on
How I got here – time to introduce your sales story....
Discuss life before the conflict This is where you talk about where you were at before you started getting sick and tired of things. Use this stage of your webinar to really build rapport with your audience. This is where you talk about things that were going in your life that are happening in their life. Don't be afraid to go into some detail here. If you have to use 2-3 slides then that is ok. Discuss life before the conflict
Outline the conflict This is perhaps the most important part of the sale story. Don't hold back here. Let people you got to a point where enough was enough. That you knew if you didn't change, then you were destined for failure and a life of unhappiness. This will also be used to connect with people on your audience. If you talk with passion and emotion, you will get many people thinking ‘wow – this sounds like me’ – ‘I am in this place as well’ and ‘wow – this person really understands me’ You will connect with many people right here, so focus on getting this correct.
Introduce the secret – the remedy This got so bad for you, that you had to find a solution. And off you went and came across an amazing person/system/book/ what ever it was that taught you something that changed your life. Hint – this is your big idea/big promise
Introduce the results you obtained from making this discovery Really start to sell the exciting results you obtained from discovering ‘the secret” Remember - you are not talking about the secret yet – this is what you will be offering at the end (and talking in pieces about during the webinar)
Outline why you are now giving this secret back Its important that you let your audience know that you got such amazing results from discovering this ‘secret’ that you are now wanting to teach it to others. It follows the learn the secret, earn from the secret and now return the secret. Outline why you are now giving this secret back
Core Content piece 1 Here are some tips to great core content:- It must support and lead to the action steps you want the audience to take at the end of the webinar Must keep audience interested and engaged Use it to provide a framework for your offer Its great to provide proof (testimony) and authority (why you are the expert) Use a story to back up your point Facts work well Grab attention with a strong point Set the stage (ie tell people to listen up as this point could change their life) Future pace results (once you know this....) Offer the content Wrap up the lesson Lead into the next point
Core Content piece 2 Types of content you can use:- Provide a list of what not to do – mistakes Teach one of many ideas (process/checklist/breakthrough Tell a case history (day in the life) Talk about winners and losers (ie winners to it this way/losers do it this way)
Core Content piece 3 In Summary with content:- Keep it to 2-3 pieces Be Entertaining if possible Sell the listener on the points Back up each point with a testimony Ensure each point backs your sale Use strong images to explain points
The Transition This is where you transition from teaching to closing off the webinar and asking people for the next steps. It requires a very smooth transition. The best way to do this is to complete you teaching of content, and then move to this line. So you showed up for this webinar/online training today for the following reasons:- Outline reason 1 Outline reason 2 Outline reason 3 And I sincerely hope that you have also taken away Summarise key benefit from core content 1 Summarise key benefit from core content 2 Summarise key benefit from core content 3
Ask the obvious question Once you have moved through the transition questions, its then great to bring up a new slide and ask the obvious question. This question is the question that you want your audience to be asking. For example, if I am teaching people about webinars, I will state – ‘so the obvious question you would have right now is what is the fastest way to get a webinar up and running that will guarantee me fast results?”
Have a damaging admission A damaging admission will really help you build trust and will result in a bigger outcome at the end of your webinar. Its simply letting people know that your offer is not the be all and end all that it isnt a golden nugget that will fix all of their problems, that they will have to work hard to get results. Its used to build trust and more rapport before moving to the close
This is where you tell people about what it is you want them to do This is where you tell people about what it is you want them to do. When you become skilled at the webinar (to really get high end skills with this email for our high end product), you can use it to close and make large sums of money. Its an extremely leveraged way to get results Always start off by giving people an overview of what it is you have to offer. Give them the big picture and let them know the key benefits. Discuss things like:- Why you built your offer Its designed to five you (outline key benefits) Its something special and just for you Break it down comonent by component Present the first price – that is the normal deal, but we will do something better for you. NB: MOVE FORWARD FOR A FURTHER BREAK DOWN Make your offer
Show them examples of what they would get This is where you actually show them examples of what they will get – actually illustrate what your product/offering looks like. Let them see it.
Break your offering into components Here is the formula to help you achieve this:- With this component, you will be able to.... It does this with......which does........(discuss the features and benefits) Tell them again what they will be able to do with it Assign a value to the component
Summarise your offer/next step If you want......., this is the answer (cycle through 2-3 desires You get......(rapid rundown of components) Plus the guarantee takes away your risk When you enrol before (date of deadline)... You (pay less, payments options and get more) Plus if you are one of the first (quantity) you (get something special) This thing will give you......... (major benefit) This needs to be done with energy and excitement
Guarantee your offer . You can have TOTAL peace of mind. 100% unlimited - water tight Money Back Guarantee. Guarantees remove the risk. The stronger the guarantee the better
Present the offer – and tell them what to do Tell them what they they can get a deal. Explain why you are offering this to them. This is where you tell them what you price is. Its important that you tell them what to do here.
Make a no brainer 1st step GET STARTED TODAY: ONLY $97 Then 2 payments of $497
Summarise the entire offer again For example:- Entire lifetime access to all modules Access to all templates, tools and files to swipe and put directly into your business Everything you ever need to get all the results you are after using webinars PLUS a full guarantee If before Tuesday you get it for $997 (and you can choose payment option) First 3 get $500 worth of extra value This system will give you the system to triple your results. Visit NOW
Finish on a HIGH Remember to stick with your stick strategy. Get them excited and finish with a high. Now is the time to take questions. Finish on a HIGH