Descartes -- Meditations Three Charles Manekin 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Modern Philosophy PHIL320 Topics of Discussion The Hypothesis of the “Truth Rule” – Whatever I perceive very clearly and distinctly is true. Division of Thoughts (Mental Acts) into Two Categories, Ideas and Volitions Distinction between Formal and Objective Reality. Proofs for the Existence of God The Proof of the Truth Rule 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
The Hypothesis of the Truth Rule I am certain that I am a thinking thing. I know this because I clearly and distinctly perceive it to be true. Hypothesis: Whatever I perceive clearly and distinctly is true. (“Truth Rule”) To remove the slightest doubt concerning TR I must prove a) that there is a God and b) that He is no deceiver. 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Division of Thoughts into Two Categories, Ideas and Volitions Images of things, e.g., sun, book. Volitions, emotions, judgments Ideas plus something else Claim: Ideas in themselves cannot be mistaken. Resemblance theory of ideas – my concept of the sun resembles it better than my sense-perception 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Where Does This Distinction Come From? Aristotelian tradition of ideas and judgments. The judge model. Ideas as passive, judgments as active. 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Formal Reality vs. Objective Reality A thing’s formal reality is what sort of thing it is A thing’s objective reality is what sort of content it contains. Examples? My idea of Pizza. What is its formal reality and what is its objective reality? 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Modern Philosophy PHIL320 Sum res cogitans How does Descartes get to this conclusion? Begins with what “philosophy” then with what “common experience” teaches what he is. I know what I am through introspection Introspection of the unity of the self and its attributes “The fact that it is I who is doubting and understanding and willing is so evident that I see no way of making it clearer.” 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Modern Philosophy PHIL320 The Subtle Inference I think (doubt, will, etc.) Thought is a property essential to me. Thought is the only property essential to me. Hence, I am essentially a thinking thing and not essentially material. 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Intuitive Presentation of First Proof Ideas can be ranked according to their objective reality. The cause of a thing must have as least as much formal reality as its effect. The idea of God = a substance that is infinite, eternal, immutable, omnipotent, etc. There must be a cause of this idea, and it cannot be me. Therefore, God exists 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Formal Presentation Part One A cause must precontain the reality of its effect (premiss). There are degrees of reality (premiss). Something cannot come from nothing (from step 1). A cause must contain at least as much reality as its effect (from steps 1 and 2). Everything must have a cause (from step 3). The objective reality of an idea must have a cause (from step 5) This cause must be the formal reality of something (premiss). 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Formal Presentation – Part Two The cause of an idea must have as much formal reality as the idea contains objective reality (from steps 4, 6, and 7). Only a perfect God has as much formal reality as my idea of God contains objective reality (premiss). The cause of my idea of God is a perfect God (from steps 8 and 9). A perfect God exists (from step 10). 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Modern Philosophy PHIL320 Proving the Truth Rule To deceive is an imperfection (premiss). God is not a deceiver (from steps 11 and 12). If my clear and distinct perceptions could be false, then God would be a deceiver (premiss). My clear and distinct perceptions cannot be false; that is, whatever I clearly and distinctly perceive is true (from steps 13 and 14). 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Modern Philosophy PHIL320 Objections (You tell me some) 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320
Second Proof of the Existence of God What is the cause of my existence? Could it be me? Nah Could it be my parents? Yes and no. What can cause and preserve something that possesses an idea of God? 1/10/2019 Modern Philosophy PHIL320