Peaster High School Graduation Requirements
Which Program is Right for You? The Minimum Program is preparing you to go into the Workforce. The Recommended High School Program and Distinguished Achievement Programs are preparing you for College. and Distinguished Achievement Programs are preparing you for College.
Minimum Program Under HB 3, in order to graduate under the minimum high school program, students must Under HB 3, in order to graduate under the minimum high school program, students must Be at least 16 years of age; Be at least 16 years of age; Have completed 2 credits required for graduation in each subject of the foundation curriculum; or Have completed 2 credits required for graduation in each subject of the foundation curriculum; or Have failed to be promoted to the 10 th grade one or more times as determined by the school district Have failed to be promoted to the 10 th grade one or more times as determined by the school district
Minimum Program English Language Arts – 4 Credits English I,II,III and English IV or Practical Writing Skills English I,II,III and English IV or Practical Writing Skills Mathematics – 3 Credits Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II or Math Models Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II or Math Models Science – 2 Credits Biology and IPC Biology and IPC
Minimum Program Social Studies – 3 credits World History or World Geography, US History, US Government, and Economics World History or World Geography, US History, US Government, and Economics Science Elective – 1 credit Any of our State Approved Science Courses Any of our State Approved Science Courses Physical Education – 1 Credit PE, Athletics, or Marching Band may count towards this requirement PE, Athletics, or Marching Band may count towards this requirement
Minimum Program Fine Arts – 1 credit Speech Communication – ½ Credit Electives – 6½ Credits Any courses from the state approved list Any courses from the state approved list Total Credits needed for Minimum Graduates : 22
Recommended Program compared to Distinguished Program English Language Arts- 4 credits English I, II, III, IV Mathematics - 4 credits Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, 4 th state approved course Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, 4 th state approved course Science - 4 credits Biology, 2 From IPC/Chemistry/Physics, 4 th State Approved Course Biology, 2 from Chemistry/Physics, 4th State Approved Course
Recommended Plan compared to Distinguished Plan Social Studies – 4 credits World Geography, World History, US History, US Government/Economics Physical Education – 1 to credit Physical Education/ Athletics or Marching Band
Recommended Plan compared to Distinguished Plan Language other than English – 2 or 3 credits Two of the same foreign language - Spanish I & 2 Three of the same foreign language - Spanish I, 2, & 3 Fine Arts – 1 credit Art, Band, Choir, Applied Music, Theatre Arts, OAP Electives – 5 ½ or 4 ½ credits -Any credits from the State approved list
Recommended Plan compared to Distinguished Plan Total credits required for graduation: Recommended Plan - 26 Distinguished Achievement Plan – 26 Communication Applications ½ credit required½ Credit Required Electives – 5 ½ or 4 ½ credits
DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT PLAN –Within the 26 credits four must be advanced measures which may include: -- scoring a 3.0 or better on an AP exam – make a 3.0 or better in a college course (dual credit and tech-prep count for this) –Complete an original research project – receive a score on the PSAT that qualifies for National Merit Scholar recognition