Group 8 Intrnational exchange Gimnazija Brežice & Heimschule Lender Sasbach Foodstuffs in Germany and Slovenia 29. 9. 2012 Aljaz Kosmac, Tjasa Tomse, Larissa Hockenberger, Maja Kroselj Group 7
Prologue We will talk about food in Germany and Slovenia. Slovenia does not export much food to Germany, whereas in Slovenia you find quite a lot of German products.
Becks Founded in 1875. Doughter company of Anheuser-Busch company. Seated in Bremen. Export to more than 120 countries.
Haribo Registered in the Commercial Register in 1920. Seated in Bonn. Every country has another slogan.
Dr. Oetker Main company is Dr. August Oetker KG. Seat is in Bielefeld. 40 manufacturing- and distribution companies. Whole corporation has 9800 employees. It produces convenience blend and frozen food.
Ritter Sport Founded by Clara and Alfred E. Ritter in 1912. Sold as Ritter Sport chocolate in 1932. Slogan: Quadratisch, praktisch, Gut.
Slovenian foodstuff We found out that there is not a lot of Slovenian food in Germany. There is a website where you can order Slovenian wine.
Thank you for your attention. Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Hvala za vašo pozornost.