Wassily Kandinsky
Who was Wassily Kandinsky? Wassily Kandinsky was born in Moscow in Russia on December 16th, 1866. He was a painter and was one of the most famous 20th century artists. He died on December 13, 1944.
TIMELINE Moscow. 1866-1896 Munich. 1896-1911 Inspired by Claude Monet’s Haystacks painting 1896 Formed "Blue Rider” art group. 1911-1914 Returns to Russia. 1914-1921 Bauhaus. 1922-1933 Paris. 1934-1944 Kandinsky died of cerebrovascular disease in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, on December 13, 1944.
Kandinsky is well known for his abstract pictures. Although Kandinsky was fascinated by colour when he was a child, he didn’t enrol at art school until he was 30 years old.
Painted by Kandinsky in 1908. What can you tell me about this painting?
Composition IV (1911)
Color became more an expression of emotion rather than just a description of the subject matter (scene). He formed friendships and artist groups with other painters of the time, such as Paul Klee and Franz Marc.
"Composition VIII"1923 yearOil on canvas140х201 sm New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Small Pleasures, 1913
1911-1914 Together with his friend Franz Marc, he created a New Artists Association in Munich called the Blaue Reiter (“blue rider”). The blue rider refers the horse and rider, which was for him represented moving beyond realism. The Blue Rider group wanted to express spirituality through their artwork. Because of WWI this art group dissolved and Kandinsky returned back to Russia
The Blue rider was a symbol that represented the fight for a new art style.
"Improvisation 10"1910 yearOil on canvas120х140 sm Basel. Switzerland "Improvisation 10"1910 yearOil on canvas120х140 sm Basel. Switzerland. Collection Ernst Beyeler
"Composition IV". 1911 yearOil on canvas159,5х250,5 smDusseldorf, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
He went back to Russia because of World War 1, where his was influenced by the constructivist art movement. Constructivists focused on hard lines, dots and geometry.
Few pieces of Kandinsky exists in Russia Few pieces of Kandinsky exists in Russia. However, some of his work still exist in Germany. In recent years, his artwork has sold for more than $20 million.
REFERENCE Images http://www.wassilykandinsky.net/compositions.php