subject What is a preposition? verb They are short words that show: Time Place Direction They come after the subject and verb. The preposition is followed by a noun. EXAMPLE: The water spill is on the bathroom floor. subject preposition noun
over The pipes are hanging over the man. Image: Spot the Hazard Interactive Quiz
on The man is standing on the box. Image: Spot the Hazard Interactive Quiz
The cabinet is next to the desk. The cabinet is beside the desk. next to/ beside The cabinet is next to the desk. The cabinet is beside the desk. Image: Talking Safety
above There is a container above the man’s head. Image: Remix of “Spot the Hazard” by Daniel Kilburn
in front of There are boxes in front of the exit.
under There are papers under the copy machine. Image: Talking Safety
between The man is working between the truck bed and wheels.
under The man is standing under the steel.
behind There is a cord behind the woman’s chair. Image: Talking Safety
in There are papers in the trashcan. Image: Talking Safety
Let’s Practice
Where is the apple? The apple is behind the green rectangle.
Where is the apple? The apple is between the yellow boxes.
Where is the apple? The apple is under/below the green rectangle.
Where is the apple? The apple is on the green rectangle.
Where is the apple? The apple is in front of the green rectangle.
Where is the apple? The apple is above the box.
Where is the apple? The apple is in the box.