Welcome To The Project Website http://www.energystewards.net/studentpower/ Welcome to ComEd’s Student Power website 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Student Power Energy Stewards Your Password Log in www.energystewards.net/studentpower school name@energysp.net; password energysp The website is password protected. The only people in the website are people who are part of ComEd’s Student Power Program. Your Log in name is simple. It’s your school name at energysp.net. The sp is for Student Power. The password is similar. It’s energysp 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Student Power Energy Stewards Your School Home Page Your school has it’s own page – like this – with a picture of your school and information on how much energy you’ve used. There are several navigational tabs that we will explore. Some have been built into the Our Building page such as Project Notes. Project Notes is a place where you can post your project goals, accomplishments and any notes you want to make. Keeping this area up to date will help you when you are doing your final report. The Take Action button takes you to the Action Table. Here you will note whenever you take an energy action. The website will automatically link the date of your action to your energy use graph. This will let you see the impact of your action. It will also update the Recent Activity area just above the Take Action button. This is an easy way for you to keep track of every energy action you’ve taken. Both the electric and natural gas graphs have a View Details button. This gives you more details about your energy use and shows when you took energy actions. Finally, the navigation bar on the left has links to every feature on the site. The Key Links tab will take you to External Resources. Here you’ll find links to the Student Power Library and Student Power on Facebook. Like Us! 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Student Power Energy Stewards Take Action! Here’s the Action Table. We got here by clicking on the green Take Action button on the left. The first section of Take Action let’s you track actions for your Poster Points. It’s an easy way to see how close you are to rewards. After the Poster Points, you’ll find a complete list of energy action suggestions. Again, when you note you’ve taken an action, it will link that date to your energy use graphs. 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Student Power Energy Stewards Share Learning The Forums are the place for asking questions, sharing suggestions, posting pictures and sending files. Everyone in ComEd’s Student Power Program can see and respond to your forum posts. It’s a good way to share your great ideas. You can look at posts related to specific topics – like lighting. If you have a question, search the forum and you may find the answer. If not, ask the question so everyone can benefit from the answer. Don’t forget to post pictures here of your team in action. 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Benchmark Performance Your school: recent vs. past performance What’s the “story”? What questions rise up? The green Energy Use button takes you to the details of your school’s energy use. These numbers tell a story. Take a close look and you can see patterns. Do they make sense? Some students discovered their school’s energy use started increasing all of a sudden. They looked into it and found the electric meter was not working correctly. It turns out new meters had been put in at several schools and they were all not working correctly. The students work resulted in a big refund for their schools. In another case, students noticed the energy use suddenly went way down. It turned out a piece of equipment that moved air within the school had broken. Their good work allowed the facility staff to fix the equipment right away. What story does your energy data tell? Ask the questions and we’ll help you find the answers. 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Others in Student Power If you click on Electric Use under the Our Group tab, you’ll be able to compare your school to others. Look at the energy use in the middle of 2013 at Lee Elementary. Compare it to the other schools at the same time. Is there a story here? 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
A National Benchmark for Schools The information we have about your school has been entered into the national Energy Star system. Energy Star rates buildings on a scale of 0 – 100 with 100 being the best. Throughout the ComEd Student Power Program, you’ll be able to see your score adjust as you find ways to reduce energy use. Just like the energy data we looked at earlier, your Energy Star rating tells a story. Does it seem right? If you have an unusually high or low rating, perhaps we need to review the information that was shared about your school. Let’s do some research together to find out if the rating is correct. 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Student Power Energy Stewards Please tell us: Introduce Yourselves The name of your school The name of your teacher The name of your team The number of students on your team When do you plan to begin the program? When do you plan to complete the program? Explore the site and become familiar with it. Now it’s time for your first assignment. Choose a student to post your Introduce Yourselves message. Tell us the name of your school, teacher and team as well as the number of students on your team. Finally, tell us when you plan to begin and end the program. Then, go to the Action Table and let us know you’ve completed the Introduce Yourselves activity. It’s as simple as that! 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards
Student Power Energy Stewards Questions? If you have any questions about the program, contact the Student Power director using the link at the top. Warren Gaskill from Energy Stewards manages the website. He can be contacted at wgaskill@rapid-improvement.com. If you have questions about the program, you can contact the Student Power director using the “Email Our Energy Advisor” link at the top of the page. Warren Gaskill from Energy Stewards manages the website. If you have website issues you can contact him directly at wgaskill@rapid-improvement.com. We are all here to help you so don’t be shy. The website is one of your tools for a successful Student Power program. 9/21/15 Student Power Energy Stewards