Correct Your Lifestyle “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Lifestyle Routine. Recreation. Rest & relaxation. Reprioritize.
Correct Your Thought Patterns “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Thought Patterns Listen to what your “inner self” is saying. Analyze your thinking, identifying unhelpful thought patterns. Challenge your thinking.
Correct Your Spiritual Life “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Spiritual Life Spiritual causes. If there is some sin in your life, repent and seek God’s forgiveness.
Correct Your Spiritual Life “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Spiritual Life Spiritual consequences. Accept that being depressed is not a sin and does not mean you are not a Christian. Understand that the loss of your spiritual feelings is not the cause of your depression, but that depression is the cause of the loss of your spiritual feelings.
Correct Your Spiritual Life “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Spiritual Life Spiritual consequences. Patiently wait for the corrections you’ve made to have their effects. Make and keep a set time for reading your Bible and praying to God. When you pray, be totally honest.
Correct Your Spiritual Life “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Spiritual Life Spiritual consequences. Be consistent in bring objective truth to your mind. Establish helpful, supportive relationships. Don’t stop going to church. Let your shepherds know of your condition.
Correct Your Spiritual Life “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Spiritual Life Spiritual consequences. Avoid, or at least reduce, your exposure to unhelpful relationships. Surrounding yourself with people who are currently depressed or anxious themselves.
Correct Your Spiritual Life “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Spiritual Life Spiritual consequences. Avoid, or at least reduce, your exposure to unhelpful relationships. Surrounding yourself with people who make unhelpful comments that add to your distress.
Correct Your Spiritual Life “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Spiritual Life Spiritual consequences. Avoid, or at least reduce, your exposure to unhelpful relationships. Learn to shift your focus from yourself to others.
Correct Your Brain Chemistry “Why Are You Cast Down?” Depression - Cures Correct Your Brain Chemistry If none of this works, seek out trained medical people for diagnosis and perhaps appropriate medication. Medications should not be viewed as a cure-all, but as a temporary measure to return the brain chemistry back to balance.