ESF Evaluation Partnership Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

ESF Evaluation Partnership Meeting POLAND Evaluation study to collect the data for result indicators in the Human Capital Operational Programme in Poland ESF Evaluation Partnership Meeting

Human Capital Operational Programme (HCOP) The Programme Human Capital Operational Programme (HCOP) 10 Priority axis, 94 Measures or Sub-measures, more than 31.000 projects 5 main areas of support Delivery system structure: 1 MA, 19 IB’s, 22 second level IB’s

Indicators in HCOP 29 – context indicators 94 – output indicators 90 – result indicators 120 – output indicators

Indicators data sources National statistics – Central Statistical Office (GUS) International statistics – EUROSTAT, OECD, World Bank EFS monitoring, based on reports from IB, IB2 Statistics of line ministries – e.g. labour, education, economy Evaluation studies

Sources of data collection National Information System for monitoring and reporting (KSI) Monitoring System of the European Social Fund 2007 (PEFS 2007) 5

Definitions of indicators PRIORITY VI: LABOUR MARKET OPEN FOR ALL percentage of the unemployed and job-seekers, who found a job within 6 months after completing participation in the project, to the total number of people, who completed participation in the projects (total/f/m), including: those who became self-employed persons with disabilities long-term unemployed persons from rural areas

Definitions of indicators percentage of the unemployed and job-seekers aged 15-24, who found a job within 6 months after completing participation in the project, in total number of people, who have completed participation in these projects (total/f/m), including: - those who became self-employed percentage of people aged 50- 64 registered as unemployed or job-seekers, who found a job within 6 months after completing participation in the project, to the total number of those, who have completed participation in projects (total/f/m), including:

Definitions of indicators PRIORITY VII: PROMOTION OF SOCIAL INTEGRATION percentage of project participants, who found a job within 6 months after completing participation in the project in total number of people (in this priority), who took part in the projects PRIORITY VIII: REGIONAL HUMAN RESOURCES FOR THE ECONOMY percentage of employees, whose salary increased within 6 months after completing participation in the project

participants that left participants that left participants that left Evaluation study Preparatory phase (tools, methodological report) Survey with participants that left projects in 2009 (6 months after) Panel survey with participants that left projects in 2009 (18 months after) Panel survey with participants that left projects in 2009 (30 months after) + projects in 2011 (6 months after) control group 2010 2010 2011 2012 Final phase (joint conclusions, summary report) 2012

Population and samples Sex Population II phase sample III phase sample Response rate Estimation error Priority VI Female 63361 1526 1005 65,9% ±3,1 pp. Male 44525 1037 658 63,5% ±3,8 pp. Total VI 107886 2563 1663 64,9% ±2,4 pp. Priority VII 5445 225 161 71,6% ±7,6 pp. 2694 85 57 67,1% ±12,8 pp. Total VII 8139 308 218 70,8% ±6,5 pp. Priority VIII 17742 428 291 68,0% ±5,7 pp. 14032 330 222 67,3% Total VIII 31774 758 513 67,7% ±4,3 pp. Total 147 799 3629 2394 66,0% ±2,0 pp.

Other topics of the study Characteristics of project participants (who are they?) Long-term changes in employment status (measured by follow-up survey 6,18,30 months after project participation) Effectiveness of support (does it really work?) Adequacy/relevance of support vs. individual needs (is it what they really need?) Employment or self-employment sustainability Jobs quality Partial comparability with 2004 – 2006 period (SOP HRD) (is it better or worse now?)

Lack off or centralized data collection system Main challenges Lack off or centralized data collection system Gaps and limitations of local databases Limitations of the methods used Legal framework (personal data protection)

Thank you for your attention.