Red Station-Key DemocritusDaltonThomsonRuthefordBohrSchrodinger and Heisenberg Negative Electrons Indivisible, undividable Electron Cloud Electrons do not move in set paths, they move more like gnats everywhere at one in a cloud with specific regions. -Atoms make up everything -They cannot be created or destroyed -They have a dense positive center called a nucleus -The rest of the atom is empty space, accept for the electron cloud which is negative -They are made of protons +, electrons -, and neutrons no charge 7. Ernest Rutherford-nucleus
Protons-nucleus, Electrons-Electron Cloud, Neutrons-Nucleus Blue Station-Key Protons-nucleus, Electrons-Electron Cloud, Neutrons-Nucleus Proton Electron Atom Proton-Positive, Electron-Negative, Neutron-no charge Nitrogen-32 has 7 protons, 7 electrons, and 25 neutrons
Pink Station-Key Mass number is protons plus neutrons, atomic mass is the average of all known isotopes 16 1-protons never change 150-protons plus neutrons 492-protons never change!!!!!
Yellow Station-Key Electrons Neutrons Cation Anion Atomic Number Isotope Atomic Mass (average) Mass Number (total)
Brown Station-Key 7 valence electrons, most reactive non metal Radioactive/unstable, synthetic (man-made) 3-12 Unreactive, non-metals, gas Group 1 has 1, group 2 has 2, group 13 has 3, group 14 has 4, group 15 has 5, group 16 has 6, group 17 has 7, group 18 has 8 Most reactive metals-1 valence electron Oxygen group
Green Station-Key Period Same number of energy levels Metals on the left and center, metalloids along the zig zag line, Non-Metals are on the right. Metals Properties of elements change periodically with the elements’ atomic numbers Increasing Atomic Mass Increasing Atomic Number
Orange Station-Key The force caused by the positive protons being attracted to the negative electrons Strong force is the strongest force of the four. It is responsible for binding together the fundamental particles of matter to form larger particles, found in the nucleus, Found in the nucleus and leads to decay related to bosons. The force that depends on an objects mass and distance between it and another object. Metals are shiny, malleable, ductile, and good conductors. Non-metals are dull, brittle, and poor conductors-some on the table are gases Metalloids have some of the properties of metals and nonmetals.
Purple Station-Key X 1. What is the atomic number of the element marked with an X? 35 2. How many total electrons does element X have? 35 3. What two properties may element X have? 7 valence electrons, very reactive 4. What would element X be classified as? nonmetal 5. What group number is element X in? 17 6. How many valence electrons does element x have? 7 7. How many energy levels does element x have? 4