Sensation and Perception Ciccarelli and White Chapter 3 Introductory Psychology Spring 2014
Sensation and Perception Sense- a system that translates outside information into activity in the nervous system Sensation- the stimulus message coming from the senses Transduction- process of converting stimuli Perception- the process of giving meaning to that message
Figure: What Do You See?
ABC’s of Sensation Sensation is the activation of receptors in the various sense organs Sensory Receptors Specialized forms of neurons Not stimulated by other neurons Stimulated directly by different kinds of energy (light waves, sound waves, etc)
Sensory Energy Wavelength- the distance between peaks in a wave of light and sound Frequency- number of complete waves, or cycles, that pass a given point per unit of time Amplitude- the distance between the peak and the baseline of a wave
Figure: The Dimensions of a Wave
Sensory Systems- How Information gets from Sensation to Perception Your senses gather information through various forms of energy This energy is encoded into neuronal activity Neuronal activity relays signals to the brain
Modification of Energy into Neuronal Activity In some sensory systems the first step in sensation involves modifying the incoming stimulus Accessory structures complete this modification The second step in modification is transduction Transduction is the process of converting incoming energy into neuronal activity Transduction takes place at structures called receptors
Transfer of Information through CNS Coding translates the physical properties of a stimulus into neural activity Sensory nerves transfer coded activity to the brain (Thalamus) Coded information for all senses except smell goes to the Thalamus Thalamus does some initial processing and sends information to the Cerebral Cortex Cortex receives input and produces sensation and perception
Review of Structures of Forebrain
Review: Elements of a Sensory System
Sensory Threshold Habituation and Sensory Adaptation Sensory Thresholds Weber’s Law of just noticeable differences Ex: Sugar in Coffee (20%) Already have 5 teaspoons, must add 1 teaspoon Already have 10 teaspoons, must add 2 teaspoons Coffee regular Absolute Threshold Subliminal Perception Movie Habituation and Sensory Adaptation
The Science of Seeing The Science of Seeing Psychological Properties of Light Three psychological aspects to light Brightness Color Saturation
Figure: The Spectrum of Electromagnetic Energy
Structures of the Eye The structure of the eye Cornea Aqueous humor Iris Pupil Lens Vitreous humor Retina Cones Rods Fovea Optic Nerve Blind Spot/ Optic Disc
Figure: Major Structures of the Eye
Figure: The Lens and the Retinal Image
How the Eye Works Left and Right Visual Fields Areas of the Retinas Where the information goes Optic chiasm Photoreceptors Rods Dark adaptation Light adaptation Cones
Color vision Color Vision Trichromatic Theory The Afterimage Opponent-process theory Lateral geniculate nucleus Color Blindness
Stare at the dot for 30-45 seconds and then look at a white piece of paper—you should see the flag in the appropriate colors You need to stare until your eyes are fatigued Go to the next page (Blank page-slide 22) and then return to color vision slide (slide 20)
Perception of Sound What is sound Properties of sound waves Auditory Spectrum
The Structure of the Ear The outer ear The Middle ear The inner ear Cochlea Basilar Membrane-resting place of the organ of Corti Organ of Corti- contains receptor cells for the sense of hearing Auditory Nerve- bundle of axons from the hair cells in the inner ear that run to the brain
Figure: Structures of the Ear
Figure: The Cochlea
Perceiving Pitch Theories of Pitch Pitch- psychological experience of sound that corresponds to the frequency of the sound waves; higher frequencies are perceived as higher pitches Place Theory Frequency Theory Volley Principle
Types of Hearing Impairments Conduction Hearing Impairment Hearing aids Nerve hearing impairment Tinnitus Cochlear implants
Figure: Sound Waves and Waveforms
Table: Intensity of Sound Sources
Auditory Pathways to the Brain Auditory nerve conveys information to the thalamus which then relays it. Thalamus relays the information to the primary auditory cortex Cells in the auditory cortex have preferred frequencies. Auditory cortex also receives information from other senses.
Chemical Senses Chemical Senses Gustation Olfaction Taste buds Five basic tastes Supertasters Olfaction Definitions Olfactory receptor cells Olfactory bulbs
Smell, Taste, and Flavor Smell and taste act as two components of a single system, known as flavor. Scent and taste pathways converge in the cerebral cortex. Both tastes and odors prompt strong emotional responses. Variations in nutritional state affects: One’s experience of taste and flavor. One’s motivation to eat particular foods.
Figure: The Olfactory System
Olfactory System Unique relationship between smell and memory. Species variability in sensitivity to odor and dependency on smell for survival. E.g., humans have about 9 million olfactory neurons while dogs have 225 million. Many species have an accessory olfactory system that detects pheromones.
Somesthetic Senses Touch, Pressure, Temperature Types of sensory receptors Visceral pain, somatic pain Congenital analgesia Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis Phantom limb Pain Gate Control Theory
Kinesthetic Sense/ Vestibular Sense Otolith organs Semicircular canals Motion sickness
ABC’s of perception The ABC’s of Perception Size, Shape, and Brightness Gestalt Principles Figure-ground Proximity Similarity Closure Continuity contiguity
Figure 3.20: Gestalt Principles of Perceptual Grouping
Depth Perceptions Monocular Cues Linear perspective Relative size Overlap Aerial perspective Texture gradient Motion parallax accommodation
Linear perspective
Relative Size
Aerial Perspective
Texture gradient
Depth Perception Binocular Cues Convergence Binocular Disparity
Perceptual Illusions Hermann Grid Muller-Lyer Illusion The Moon Illusion Illusions of motion
Hermann Grid
Muller- Lyer
Other factors that Influence perception Perceptual sets Top down processing Bottom up processing
Figure 3.18: Misperceiving Reality Which Line Is Longer? From Gardner "Optical Illusions from Figures that are Undecidable to Hot Dogs That Float, Scientific American, 222, 124, 127 Reprinted with permission
Figure: Reversible Images Return
Synesthsia Disorder in which the signals from the various sensory organs are processed in the wrong cortical areas resulting in the sense information being interpreted as more than one sensation.