Classical Greek (480 b.c.-31 b.c.) By: Adilene Ponce
Background The term “Classical Greece” refers to the period between the Persian Wars at the beginning of the fifth century B.C. and the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. Classical Greek period corresponds to most of the 5th and 4th century b.c. This time period was filled with conflict between the Greek people, which caused wars. The destruction of these wars caused new architecture to be made, for example the temple Parthenon.
Techniques Greeks were fans of bronze. Bronze had distinct advantages such as it being a stronger material than copper. Wax casting was a major technique for producing bronze statuary. The lost-wax casting of bronze is achieved in three different ways: Solid lost-wax casting. Hollow lost-wax casting by the direct process . Hollow lost-wax casting by the indirect process. Marble: With marble they would ease the cutting process with water this was a technique that ancient miners used to quarry stones. Another technique, though, was to use the natural cleaves in the stone as a starting point and then apply pressure.
Parthenon Parthenon was the result of the destruction from the persian wars. Pericles used tribute money to support Athenian artists and thinkers. He paid to rebuild the parts of Athens the persian wars had destroyed. Parthenon was a temple made to honor the goddess Athena. The making of this temple began in 447 b.c.
Sculpture of Pericles Pericles was a prominent and influential Greek statesman, orator and general of Athens during the Golden Age — specifically the time between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. This model is made out of marble, it is a copy made out the original which was made out of bronze. Made in 429 b.c. , approximately 72 inches high.
Diskobolos ( Discus Thrower) Just like Pericles sculpture this one's original was made with bronze first, by the sculptor Myron (one of the masters of classical art in the 5th century b.c.) With this sculpture, Myron wanted to show the beauty of people. Made in 450 b.c. and it’s at the national museum in rome. Based of this sculpture and Pericles sculpture we see that the Greeks were fans of bronze. Bronze had distinct advantages such as it being a stronger material than copper.
Charioteer This was created from a group dedicated by Polyzalos of Gela in the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi. Created in 470 b.c. This statue is made out of bronze, and is at the Archeological Museum, Delphi.
Athena, Herakles, and Atlas with the apples of the Hesperides Metope (a square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze.) from the Temple of Zeus at Olympia Created in 470-456 b.c. This work is made out of marble. Found at the Archeological Museum, Olympia.