Middle East Conflict SS7H2d US Involvement in… -Persian Gulf War 1991 -Invasion of Afghanistan 2001 -Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003
SADDAM HUSSEIN former dictator of Iraq; removed from power by U.S. forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom
Saddam Hussein continued He invaded Kuwait in the early 1990s-resulted in the Persian Gulf War
AUTOCRATIC government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role in the government. (like a dictatorship or even a monarchy)
PERSIAN GULF WAR 1991 war between the U.S. and Iraq; ended with Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait
EFFECTS OF PERSIAN GULF WAR Overwhelming Coalition victory Liberation of Kuwait Heavy Iraqi casualties and destruction of Iraqi and Kuwaiti infrastructure Internal rising against Saddam Hussein brutally blocked Establishment of US military presence in Saudi Arabia (would later upset terrorist Osama bin Laden) UN sanctions against Iraq
September 11, 2001: A day that will What does this image mean September 11, 2001: A day that will What does this image mean?live in the minds of Americans.
Who is this man?
AL QAEDA After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda (pronounced al-KYE-da) surpassed Hamas and Hezbollah as the world's most infamous terrorist organization. Al-Qaeda—"the base" in Arabic—is the network of Muslim extremists organized by Osama bin Laden. -www.infoplease.com
TALIBAN The Taliban ("Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement") ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001. They came to power during Afghanistan's long civil war. Although they managed to hold 90% of the country's territory, their policies—including their treatment of women and support of terrorists—ostracized them from the world community. The Taliban was ousted from power in December 2001 by the U.S. military and Afghani opposition forces in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the U.S. - www.infoplease.com
INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN After 9-11-2001 attack on the World Trade Centers in New York City - U.S. President Bush invades Afghanistan “to root out Terrorism” The stated purpose of the invasion was to capture Osama bin Laden, destroy al-Qaeda, and remove the Taliban regime which had provided support and safe harbor to al-Qaeda.
U.S. attempts to capture terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. All of the following are reasons for the United States invading the country of Afghanistan in 2001. U.S. wanted to punish and remove the Taliban regime for supporting al-Qaeda terrorists. U.S. begins campaign known as the War on Terrorism after responding to 9/11 terrorist attacks. U.S. attempts to capture terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.
OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM invasion of Iraq by the U.S. forces in 2003; Iraq was thought to possess weapons of mass destruction
DEMOCRATIC a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
IRAQI INSURGENTS -www.wikipedia.com The Iraqi insurgency or Resistance is composed of diverse mix of militias, foreign fighters using violent measures against the US-led Coalition in Iraq and the post-2003 Iraqi government. -www.wikipedia.com
Who was this man? Who hated him, and why?
Invasion of Iraq causes: U.S. military intelligence indicated Saddam Hussein supported the Al Qaeda terrorist organization and was producing weapons of mass destruction. The invasion launched the Iraq War (also called Operation Iraqi Freedom and Second Persian Gulf War) U.S. President George W. Bush wanted to: " disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction; end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism; to free the Iraqi people”
The world’s most ruthless dictator is no longer in power After the capture of Saddam Hussein - the people of Iraq had to change their government. The US had an interest in promoting democracy in the Middle East. Iraq is now a struggling democratic government today. Saddam IN Power Saddam OUT of Power
Urban Warfare – looking for insurgents
US Involvement in Iraq Today In 2011, President Obama withdrew the remaining combat troops and increased combat troops in Afghanistan. The United States still has some peace keeping and training troops present in Iraq. Sunni Muslims (minority group in Iraq) do not want the Shia Muslims (majority group) to control the government – which leads to violence.
US and Iraqi troops working together
Weapons cache confiscated from insurgents
US hopes to train Iraqis to police themselves
Even in foreign lands – kids still love toys
Soldiers hand out school supplies
4 Reasons for US Involvement Safeguard human rights and promote justice Protect Israel’s right to exist Protect the flow of oil to the US & our allies Keep weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of dictators/terrorists
Who is responsible for…? Leader of Al- Queda, 9/11 attacks? _______________________________ Operation Iraqi Freedom, Dictator of Iraq who was thought to have WMD? ________________________________