Warmup 9/18 Do you think women experience gender bias? Do you think men experience gender bias? Do you think both experience it at roughly the same amount? Do you think one is more adversely affected by it than the other?
Gender Inequality
Sexism Prejudice or inequality based upon sex or gender groups. Typically taught as male to female but in fact goes all directions.
Sexism in your life… What are some sexist beliefs that you have heard from peers, teachers, parents, neighbors, etc? What types of policies do institutions (schools, banks, government, etc.) have that promote sexism?
Common Types of Sexism Physical Appearance: Women should be thin and graceful Men should be broad-shouldered and strong Personality: Men are self-confident and aggressive. Women are passive and manipulative.
Common Types of Sexism Occupations: Men are doctors, soldiers, construction workers. Women are nurses, teachers, secretaries. Domestic Behaviors: Women care for children and clean. Men do yard work, repair appliances, kill spiders.
Sexist Male Rules For Boys: Never take anything seriously. Everything is a joke. Be passionate about the “right” things. Be excellent at comebacks and putdowns. Adult involvement makes life worse.
Sexist Female Rules For Girls: Never be alone and never act lonely. Don’t appear clingy or desperate. Constantly compare yourself to others. Always be in the “right” place with the “right” people doing the “right” thing. Post it immediately.
ASSIGNMENT: Gender Inequality Icebergs In table groups, complete icebergs. Five collections of data in total. What are the surface observations? What are underlying prejudices or inequalities that might be part of this?