Welcome to First Grade!! Room 9 ARCOLA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
Introduction Meet Mrs. Perez
Goals Develop self-control & self discipline Develop good listening skills Develop independent working skills Develop responsible individuals Develop social skills
Good morning! Students begin walking to class at 7:35am. The late bell rings at 7:50am followed by morning announcements.
Pathways Word Study Students will learn the different spelling patterns Literacy Centers Students work independently or in small groups on literacy activities Read Aloud Students listen to a story read to them and respond in a variety of ways Shared Reading Choral reading to develop fluency and expression Guided Reading Leveled small group reading instruction Independent Reading Students will read just right books independently Writers’ Workshop Students will become authors and learn about different genres
Word Study Word Study is Loudoun County’s spelling program. Words are sorted into groups based upon their features. Students are assessed on placing the words is the correct feature, not on perfect spelling. gr br pl green brush place grape broom play grade breakfast plate
Mathematics Patterns Money Fractions Geometry Time Measurement Graphs/Charts Problem Solving Addition Subtraction Place Value Probability and Statistics
Science Units Scientific Process Weather Seasons Matter Force, Energy, and Motion Habitats Cycles Scientific Process Asking Questions Communicating Gathering Data Making Sense of Data
Social Studies Units Map and Globe Skills Communities/Citizenship Virginia Famous Americans Economics
Homework Policy Homework should take 20-25 minutes each day Reading!! And other optional activities to enrich your childs learning IXL Dreambox RAZ KIDS Fun Internet Links on my webpage Optional Learning Activities on my webpage Addition/Subtraction Flash Cards Reading/Writing Sight Words Begins the first week of October
*If a • is placed in an area of the report card, Grading The report card will have the following letters as indicators of development: B- Below *With assistance, student struggles to demonstrate partial mastery of current grade level expectations. P- Progressing *With assistance, student demonstrates partial mastery of M- Meets *Student consistently meets and demonstrates mastery of E- Exceeds *In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes application beyond grade level expectations. *If a • is placed in an area of the report card, this means that the skill was not assessed during that particular quarter.
Expectations Follow Directions Be Kind and Respectful Take Care of our Classroom and our School
Food Breakfast: Please make sure your child eats a good breakfast in the morning. Snack: We have snack daily. Please send in a small, NUT FREE, healthy snack each day. Nothing too messy or cheesy. We will often have “working snacks”. Lunch: We have lunch at 12:15 each day. *joining your child for lunch *adding money to their account *ice cream(Thursday) and a la carte items
Communication Email Cristina.Perez@lcps.org Arcola Website My website Remind- remind.com Class code- 7f88be Please Sign up if you have not already! Daily folder Black Thursday folder
Housekeeping Class celebrations *three each year *1st Fall Harvest Party Birthdays *No food *Goodie bags *May donate a book to class or to the library *May donate a piece of equipment for recess CONFERENCES– I will be using Sign-Up Genius for conferences. Please check my website to sign up I will
PBIS Respectful On Task Acting safely Responsible.