Cooperative Learning Groups Groups of 6 Research the various categories of Interviewing Skills Record your findings on paper All Members will turn this in (you need 15 facts EACH) Use at least 3 different sources (websites) Check credibility – no Wikipedia Report your findings to your group, and we will discuss as a class
Cooperative Learning Groups I can research various interview skills. Posture / Body language Non-verbal behavior Do’s & Don’ts for Men’s dress Do’s & Don’ts for Women’s dress General Grooming Tips Any other General Interviewing Tips
Posture / Body Language Sit up straight Don’t slouch No fidgeting, relax Smile, show emotion Strong eye contact Firm handshake Keep feet flat, rested Be calm Rest your hands Good First Impression Keep good distance Show confidence Sit once invited to Speak clear, in control Walk with them, not behind Show emotion
Non-verbal Behavior Don’t slouch Dress professionally Make eye contact Bring Resumes! Observe personal space Firm handshake No chewing gum Don’t fidget, play w/ hair Be confident Good posture, energy Avoid looking around Be polite, listen carefully No phones/music !!! SMILE!
Men’s Dress/Attire Dress up! Dark color suit, formal Match belt, shoes, socks Clean facial hair, neat hair Briefcase or portfolio Light cologne No power colors, bold No jeans, sweats, tees Clean, polished dress shoes No visible tattoos or body piercings Conservative colors No sneakers/sandals Clean cut hair style Clean, ironed clothes Light jewelry, not too much Windsor know for ties
Women’s Dress/Attire Solid colors, natural Clothes that fit well Dark pants suit Formal/professional Light makeup/jewelry Button-up shirts No sandals No jeans, t-shirts Not too much skin Plan outfit ahead of time Solid colors, natural Clothes that fit well Good hygiene, hair Dark colors, no neon Limited jewelry Dress to job level Minimum accessories No wrinkled clothing
General Grooming Tips Bathed, clean, neat Fresh breath Dress for success Smell good Keep hair out of face No piercings/tattoos Good, clean haircut Clean, shined shoes Trendy hairstyles Good personal hygiene!!! Light perfume, cologne Neutral colors Clean, ironed, well-fitting clothing Light makeup No trendy styles Pick clothes in advance Nice hands, clean nails
General Interviewing Tips Research company!!! Practice answering questions Good first impression Don’t talk too much Show up early, not on time Don’t get off subject Ask questions Be positive! Clean up social media Dress for success Don’t lie, be honest Don’t interrupt Good body language Turn phones off! Plan ahead Follow up on the interview!
Remember!! Seven seconds is all it takes to form an impression You never get a second chance at making a first impression! Don’t take away from your first impression by shooting yourself in the foot!
Important!! Social Media Cleanup!!! Follow Up With A Thank You!!! Vulgar, offensive, destructive, insensitive, etc. Follow Up With A Thank You!!! Do this within 24 hours The sooner the better Email or Handwritten Know the name of your interviewer!!!
Exit Slip Your Exit Slip is on Edmodo 1) If you were going to a job interview, what would your exact outfit consist of? Be specific and discuss each item of clothing you would wear. 2) What are three things you need to remember to do, or not to do, during a job interview?