Math Fluency Choice Board INITIALS:_____________ Directions: Choose one activity to practice fluency daily. You or your teacher will initial that you completed this work in class. Be prepared to share! Sorting: Sort a stack of flashcards into piles; those that are known automatically and those that are not. Practice one or two unknown facts at a time along with known facts until they become automatic. INITIALS:__________ Time yourself! Set a timer for 5 minutes. Answer as many math facts as possible- choose a fact that you don’t know well. Keep track of the number correct. Then try again and see if you can get a better score the second time! INITIALS:__________ Rainbow Facts: Write each fact in a different color to make a rainbow of math facts! INITIALS:______ On a Roll: Roll two dice and multiply the numbers. State the division fact that relates to the multiplication fact. INITIALS:_____ Tech Practice: Use technology to practice your facts! You can use a fluency/flash card app or one of the web games you’ve played in class. INITIALS:________ Product Callout: Get a multiplication chart and close your eyes. Put your finger on a number. Then, find all the factor pairs that make that number. INITIALS:________ Beat the Calculator: A pair of players competes to see who can answer first. One player attempts to answer the fact on his/her own before the other finds it on the calculator. INITIALS:__________ Family Facts: With multiplication and division, practice facts together that are related. For instance 4 x 8 = 32 so 8 x 8 = 64 because the first factor is doubled, the quotient is also doubled. (4’s and 8’s; 2’s and 4’s; 3’s and 6’s; 6’s and 12’s; 4’s and 8’s; 3’s and 9’s, etc.) INITIALS:___________ Skip Coloring: Take a blank hundreds chart. Pick a fact you have trouble with and color in only the multiples of that number. Then, choose another fact (and another color). Continue until you have practiced all your tough facts! INITIALS:_________ Sing me a Fact: Rewrite lyrics to a song you know to learn all of your facts in one number family. Bonus points if you perform for the class (at a later time)!! INITIALS:________ Multiples Pyramid: Make a multiples pyramid for each fact you find challenging! 2 is given as an example: 2 2 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 10 INITIALS:_____________ High/Low: Flip the top card on two piles and point to the card that shows the higher (or lower) answer. If you have someone to work with, race to see who can point or put their hand on the pile with the higher product. INITIALS:_________ Fact Show: Use PowerPoint or Keynote to create a presentation where you present your Math facts. INITIALS:______ Memory Math: Create your own “Memory” style game. Write facts on one card, and answers on the other. Then, practice flipping cards over two at a time until you find a pair. INITIALS:_______ Fortune Telling: Create a fortune teller and write your facts inside the flaps. Make one fortune teller for each number family. INITIALS:______ Playing Card Math: Use a deck of cards and flip over the first two cards. Multiply them, and then write the division fact that goes along with the multiplication. Continue until you run out of cards. INITIALS:________ Math Video: Record yourself reciting a times table using different voices or just saying the facts. Extra- In iMovie, add the facts as text underneath the video as you say each fact. INITIALS:________ Pop Quiz: Set a 3 minute timer and see how many facts you can complete in that time. Graph your progress and see how much you’ve grown! INITIALS:_________ Trading Card Facts: Create math fact trading cards, specifically with themes and colors that you like, or that reflect an interest or hobby. Display or play games with the cards to practice your facts. INITIALS:________ Paper Chain: Create a paper chain with facts you need to learn. Use a different color for each number fact. INITIALS:_______ Rhyme Time: Choose a fact you don’t know so well. Create a poem to help remember the facts in that family. Share with your class either digitally or out loud if there’s time! INITIALS:________ Array City: Use graph paper to cut out arrays. Choose the facts that are most difficult for you. Then, write the fact inside the rectangle. Glue them to another piece of paper to create a city skyline that you can look at to remember your facts. INITIALS:__________ Math Game: Create your own game to remember a set of math facts. It can be a card game or board game. Store for others to play! INITIALS:_______ Fact Laces: Create (or use pre made) lace-up cards to help you remember your facts! INITIALS:_____ Create your own! Come up with your own way to practice your fact fluency. INITIALS:______