User needs Information instead of Figures Sirje Laud Head of Marketing and Dissemination Division Statistical Office of Estonia 13 June 2005
Electronic first Public database is the place of the first release of fresh data (about 2000 tables on different subject fields) News releases on the most important fresh data are published on the web site (about 120 per year; simultaneously with the data in the public database) Publications (printed or electronic) appear later
Dissemination of statistical publications
Information instead of figures Users prefer the combination text + diagrams + simple tables We provide 3–4 analytical publications each year New products — electronic thematic papers (Children and Social Environment, Children and Family for the Child Protection Day) Thematic news releases (Young Mother of Today for the Mother’s Day, Children of Today for the Child Protection Day)
Marketing of analytical publications (1) Before the publication date annotation in the catalogue of statistical publications (printed and on the web site) information sheet sent to the target groups by e-mail telemarketing On the publication day advertisement on the web site news release and presentation to journalists
Marketing of analytical publications (2) After publication date presentations and expositions in the information fairs presentations and expositions on different conferences, etc. As a result of these marketing activities the print runs based in a greater part on subscriptions are sold out very quickly Dissemination on CDs satisfies the additional orders on analytical publications
Co-operation with other authorities Interested co-operation partners outside the office help to improve the information provided in the pocket-books to increase the print run and make the pocket-book more profitable the joint pocket-book with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the print run in thousands instead of hundreds
Thank you!