K1 Parent Information Session
Who We Are Your name Where you are from One thing to share with the group…
What does learning look like for K1 Children? .
Children learn through … . … Play and Inquiry
Learning is developmental Children learn: At different rates In different ways At different ages Learning is developmental
It’s a journey not a race We build strong foundations for learning. We don’t build as high as we can, as fast as we can.
How does it all fit together? All subjects are taught through the Unit of Inquiry where possible.
This year the K1 Units of Inquiry are: Who we are Five Senses How the world works Light Where we are in place and time Journeys How we express ourselves Stories
Is your child prepared for the day? A healthy, filling snack (NO nuts) A bottle of water Sun hat (May be kept at school) Spare set of clothes in a ziplock bag (Optional - Keep at school) Show and Tell
Parent-School Connection Family Photo All About Me poster Home Language UN Day Units of Inquiry Blog Cultural Celebration Moon Festival
Starts next week Thursday 5th September Mother Tongue Time is now called ‘Home Language Time’ Please Sign Up… …if you are available occasionally or regularly on Thursdays from 2.50-3.10pm Starts next week Thursday 5th September
USEFUL LINKS K1 Grade Level Guide ECC page of the UNIS website Elementary Handbook ISIS family tutorials
What is MOST important? Having Fun!