Donning Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Infection Prevention & Control Team
General principles Haemorrhagic fever viruses are spread by direct contact with blood or body fluids Donning of PPE should be supervised to ensure skin is covered and there are no tears in the PPE
Step 1 Remove all personal items of jewellery Put on disposable scrub suit and shoes
Step 2 Put on disposable overboots
Step 3 Put on disposable all-in-one oversuit
Step 4 Ensure overboots are tucked inside the elasticated ankles of the all-in-one oversuit
Step 5 Put on first pair of disposable gloves, ensuring they are tucked under the elastic cuff of the all-in-one oversuit
Step 6 Put on FFP3 face mask Put on goggles (can be placed over prescription glasses) Pull hood up, ensuring all hair is tucked inside hood
Step 7 Put on disposable gown and second pair of disposable gloves, with gloves over the cuffs of the gown
Step 8 Put on full face visor