The Basics APA Style
Why use APA? Allows others to access your sources Establishes credibility Helps you stay organized Prevents plagiarism
Setting up your paper One-inch margins Double spaced Title page-centered text places in top half of the page Page number in header (right justified) Title of essay in header (left justified, all capital letters)
Title Page Example
First Page of Paper- Example
Use in-text citations when… Quoting Paraphrasing Summarizing Source within a source Do not quote a source that you source has also quoted. Instead, find the original source and quote it directly. This eliminates confusion within your paper and the reference list.
How do citations work? They direct your reader to your reference page.
A Source with No Author
A Source with Multiple Authors
Miscellaneous APA Rules Quotes longer than 40 words should be indented 5 spaces. When summarizing, do not give a page number (only use the last name and publication year).
Reference Page- Example